[StrongBadEp1] Left click half working

edited August 2008 in Game Support
Just after the end of the telephone call between Homestar Runner and Marzipan, I partly lost the use of the left click.
I could
  • click on all overlay elements (including the inventory, the menus and the map)
  • add marzipan's house location to the map
but couldn't :
  • use the left click to move around the 3D world anymore
  • click on marzipan's house (also it wasn't reacting on roll over and click events)
And had trouble closing the empty inventory once it was open. (I still don't know what closed it, frankly)

I fixed this by going to the map and click on Strong Bad's house which was fully responsive. Once I arrived on location, everything worked fine once again.
For info, I had skipped most of Homestar conversation after Marzipan's phone call by right clicking through it.
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