Why did you choose Nick or Pete



  • Wow, like one of the comments said.. I never realized Pete was calling for both Clem and Nick to come help him. That makes the choice easy, Nick is not in immediate danger. I also somehow didn't make the connection that Nick had ammo and was closer to the house. I just saw bite, immediately thought he was going to die, and choose Nick. However I totally forgot that you can be bitten and survive, and it generally depends how close the bite is to the brain. He got bite in the best possible spot, furthest from the brain.

    I actually went back and changed my choice. I'm much happier with the result, as both of them seemed to survive. Nick was still being a jerk even after apologizing, and only caring about himself. He didn't want to search for survivors and clearly stated he didn't care if anyone was alive or not. On top of that, Nick could of easily ran across the river and helped Clem help Pete. He choose not to, and choose to run back to the house instead. He is a selfish person deep down, his apology means nothing if he still acts like a jerk afterwards.

  • Your instincts must've kicked in.

    This game really make you think about survival, but to be honest I don't know why I went for Nick. I did a lets play on my YouTube, and appare

  • I went on instinct and chose Pete. My first thought was that I'd rather take the chance on Pete than go with Nick who is a perpetual screw up (Ben 2.0). That said, I'm pretty sure Nick was on the side of the river that they were coming from, so I think there's a good chance he ends up right back at the house. They switch the camera around to trick ya but Nick stayed on the house side and Pete was the one that went off the other way.

  • Looking at what happens if you go with Pete, it seems like, at first at least, the better choice (frustratingly enough though, if season 1 is any indication, we know Pete is ultimately going to die anyway). But Clem has no weapon, and with zombies coming, it was run to person with ammo, or run to person with no ammo and bit. From a survival standpoint I had to go with Nick. Of course, thinking from a gaming perspective, they're not going to kill off Clem (certainly not in episode 1) so it's not her survival I'd need to worry about; but I'm not thinking that way in the heat of the moment.

  • I saved Pete because nick can get back to the group easily and plus nick was acting stupid

  • edited February 2014

    Are you questioning my judgment? :-b

  • Pete because i hope Nick lives if you save Pete.

  • edited February 2014

    Michonne cut of Morgans arm ten seconds max after he was bit and he still died.

    So, it really depends. I guess it's different for everyone. Some have half an hour, some just seconds.

    Zyphon posted: »

    The longest time before a successful amputation in TWD was over half an hour, so I figure he's got plenty of time.

  • edited February 2014

    Sorry, Repost.

    Zyphon posted: »

    The longest time before a successful amputation in TWD was over half an hour, so I figure he's got plenty of time.

  • In the heat of a moment I panicked when I saw Pete got bit and I chose Nick.Then I felt horrible, because Pete gave Clementine benefit of the doubt, when she got big by a dog and defended her :(.

  • I went with Pete because of these reason:

    • He and Luke saved my life
    • He believed me when I said I wasn't bitten
    • He trusted me
    • He stuck up for me in the house meeting
    • He was generally nice to me the entire time

    Now to why I DIDN'T choose Nick

    • He was an asshole
    • He nearly shot me
    • He thought I was bitten and agreed to lock me in the shed
    • I was ok with him, however Pete was above his level and he was just too good of a guy to lose. Sorry Nick.
  • edited February 2014

    I remember, though with Dale's amputation, he'd been out in the parking lot for quite a while, and then they needed to get him into the infirmary before they even started the amputation.

    I find it weird that Dale, who is 60, 70 something, still survived while Morgan didn't... So, yeah. It really does depend.

  • Not sure why I've got two dislikes, it's true. That is in fact the longest time before a successful amputation in The Walking Dead Franchise after a bite.

    Zyphon posted: »

    The longest time before a successful amputation in TWD was over half an hour, so I figure he's got plenty of time.

  • The zombies decided Pete was delicious, and he had a working gun anyway. Nick was in more immediate trouble and still had all of his tasty limbs bite-less. On top of that, I think Nick has more room to grow as a character, so as much as I like Pete, Nick has more story to tell I think. Sorry Pete.

  • I really liked Pete and I think he was my favorite character so far, but I chose Nick because I thought Pete would want me to save him. My reasoning was after the story about the deer, that he talks about being the bad guy for the people you love or something along the lines like that. Even before the zombies Pete was looking out for Nick. He may not have been direct about it but he really cared. Plus he talks about Nick being a bad shot so I thought Clementine would step up and take the rifle from Nick and deal with the walkers. Maybe I'm just overthinking this.

  • I went with Nick. Pete was bit and on the wrong side of the river. I didn't have any weapons so I just wanted to get out of there.

  • Pete was nicer :P

  • Pete easily. He gave Clem the benefit of the doubt before so I figured at least make sure he doesn't die like some poor lamb. He can die by my hand if need be.

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