Problems downloading episode 2 for the Wolf Among Us
I've bought the season pass for TWAU but I can't download episode 2, there is no prompt on the game itself or on this site. Help?
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I've bought the season pass for TWAU but I can't download episode 2, there is no prompt on the game itself or on this site. Help?
Can you please clarify what platform you are attempting to download it on? (PC/Mac/PS3/360?) Any extra information you provide can help me assist you further.
I too have the same problem. On pc. Purchased the game through Steam. Website and in game menu just lead me to where I can buy the game. So I figured if I could redeem my key for the game here, I would probably get access to it. But I didn't even get that far, as I don't have a "CD Key" button for a Wolf Among Us like I do for other games in my Steam library.
Never Mind. Figured it out. As to why it doesn't just take you there at the end I don't know. Doesn't make a lot of sense. But you just have to click play again and it should appear right there. "Start Episode 2."
If you have purchased the game through Steam and are not receiving the Episode 2 update, please close down the Steam Client. (To do this please close the Steam window, and make sure that it isn't running in the bottom right corner of the screen in your hidden icons. If it is, please right click it, and click Exit.) After Steam is fully closed, restart it, and you should receive the necessary update to have Episode 2 unlocked. I apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced.