The person Clem thought was dead is Lee's twin! (Post your most ridiculous predictions here)

As we know at the start of the walking dead season 1 Lee was off to prison for murder. I dont see a history teacher killing someone over sleeping with their wife. Could it be possible that he had a twin that he was taking the wrap for? What a TWIST!
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Made a stupid comment here sorry
It's Maybelle using a black market glamour to look like Lee
O wait i am I thought I was just poking fun at an over used cliché. I hope your joking. Ill spit on the screen and stop playing this game if the writers actually made Lee have a twin.
I was being sarcastic Lol, How can you not notice that ?
caps and ... dont say it all brah gotta use an indifferent face 2.
I know. It's TweedleLee.
The person who Clem sees in episode 2 is:
I like your post because the image doesn't work. Dunno if it was intended or not, but if it wasn't, the picture you used made no sense whatsoever. What does L have to do with any of this?
L is dead. And Clem says "I thought you were dead".
the person is Jesus Christ. She thought he died on the cross.
It's obviously Gandalf.
He is not Gandalf anymore! He is Gandalf the white! and no relation to Gandalf the Black who is busy fighting for his wizard rights.
It's the juice box!
Kenny is alive!
TWD Episode 3 will come out on time!
Maybe her parents were actually alive and now came looking for her?
In episode 2 they find a cure, and the next 3 episodes are about the group starting a band.
It's Travis. Turns out he Did know what he was doing.
Kenny will be the one who Clem thinks is dead instead of the man dying from thirst.
It's Elvis.
That's better than Hitler...
Well, there was no third son in Lee's family picture so... it must be a secret twin separated at birth!
Probably because the twin was evil... But which one was the truly evil one!? OMGOMGOMG!
There all living in the Matrix and its glitching we will see the return of neo to fix the system and help Clem new chosen one realise her powers before its to late also find out milk burns zombies skin and their allergic to peanuts and Clem and Ellie will team up to save the world if all this happens in s2 ill be happy telltale take note of this
It's Larry.
Turns out zombies are actually Agent Smith
The charm is strong with this one's ass...
Its Christa's purple sweater, It was confirmed
Then he sees Pete, "OH SHIT! ONE OF THEM IS BITTEN!" Then he lightsabers his ass.
It's actually Juicebox using a double layered black market glamour to look like Lee and Maybelle.
What about Mecha-Hitler? Maybe Clementine could go all BJ Blazkowicz on him and become Queen of the Apocalypse!
Legless Mark
Then people would stop being afraid she died! That's it! We have to tell Telltale!
Just you wait, when it turns out it's Bigby we'll see who's laughing!
I hope your right
it's maybelle using a black-market glamour to morph into lee which at the same time is using green clothes to morph into the juice-box which is using fake hair to look like lilly and wearing a hat to morph into kenny or nick
It's Carley. After months of rotting, a group of termites will fill her brain and control her, like Ratattouille.
It's actually possible that this is a friendly joke, and he has a sense of humor.
Its obviously going to be Batman.