those that have been here since the beginning of twd
I've noticed that since episode 5 ended last year this site has been getting full of, well the nicest word I can think of is assholes. so im just wondering if anybody is still here that was here when episode 1, 2 or 3 was released compared to those that have only recently joined or showed up towards the end of s2. The community was a lot nicer back then and now its just a bunch of people full of hate and talking shit about each others countries and race or for not having the same view as them. Im almost to the point to where I don't even want to come to this site anymore which is sad cause its honestly one of my most visited pages.
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Oh, so it wasn't always like this?
I only joined in september and i wouldn't consider myself an *sshole so y'know there are still some decent new people on here.
Wait, it says you joined in June 2013, Season 1 ended sometime in Fall 2012...
Nope. I've been here since... July? Maybe August, of 2012? It used to be different than this (with a layout I actually liked, too), and I didn't often see anything like what's been going on here recently.
Something isn't adding up!....
well there's a reason my name is Pell3t and not Pellet anymore, and that's because I took a break after season 1 and forgot my password and the email address I was using. Hershel I've seen your post and yes you are one of the few newcomer non a$$holes. People used to explain themselves before attacking each other and the few times they did attack each other a mod would give them a warning and then if they didn't stop usually shut down the entire discussion.
I got here originally sometime between s2 and 3 and liked the people here and it was an interesting place to come up with theories that weren't completely full retard. and when somebody did put something dumb it usually wasn't on purpose.
Most people even now aren't dumb on purpose. It just happens.
I started TWD at episode 4 S1. Do I count as a asshole
viva-la-lee you're one of those people on this site I don't usually agree with but I respect your opinion as you can maturely explain yourself, but you have to admit there has been a lot of stupidity and trolling going on here lately. I was kind of hoping that the people that say incredibly dumb stuff (Carley survived being shot in the face point blank) are being dumb on purpose though the Carley example was going on with last years group. so that might be a bad example but I know you're smart enough to get my point.
I only joined in December 2013. Fuck me, right?
Though I HAVE played the game back in 2012.
I played it back then too i just wasnt on the forums.
Guys don't get me wrong I'm not saying everybody that wasn't here since the beginning is an asshole but I noticed a pattern of asshole activity on these forums that started sometime between the time that episode 5 was released to the time season 2 was finally announced.
hah, right on cue: someone has downvoted every comment. If that's not an asshole right there, I don't know.
lol yeah i think pellets point is just about proven there
The old layout was better and the community was better
Just ignore the trolls, They feed off your attention,I don't even pay attention to downvotes or stupid threads and im doing great ! Just keep hope that someday we will be able to get rid of some of these punks
the voting system has really got annoying. It was a good idea its just it seems like there are some on here that get off on down voting every single comment they see. somebody will be making a good point and bam they end up with 5 likes and 5 dislikes which makes it seem like there are two types of down voting trolls. those that want to just downvote everything, and those that try to even out the likes and dislikes.
Am I an asshole?
Do you hate other people because of where they live or their skin color? Do you mindlessly downvote every comment you come across? Do you write a 5 paragraph sentence explaining why somebodies OPINION is wrong and why your opinion is always 100% correct? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you might be. Though if you had to ask then idk.
Nah, you don't go about insulting people and acting like your opinion is fact.
Well shit, every day's a school day
Haha maybe I should make a new discussion titled "How do I know if im an asshole?" jk though it sadly might help. especially in these dark days.
Quoting Kenny i see are you for team mustache?
Go ahead Id read it
lol, sadly i think all the assholes on here are deliberately assholes so it wouldn't do much.
Season one made me this way.
Kinda stupid to assume that all the new people are assholes.
Yeah things have been getting increasingly bad. I guess stupidity truely is contagious.
Yeah, not someone who was around from the very start (jan 2013 for me), but it's plain to see that the quality of this place has certainly fallen off a cliff, particularly since the layout change.
All these reasons are why I never feel like posting here anymore. The mods don't have the tools they need and we still haven't gotten simple things like polls returned to us.
I started playing in May 2013 and I read off of the forums. I finally joined in October 2013.
I remember 400 days coming out, but that's about it... I'm not a bitch, right?
You are one of the best
Not surprised to see you and viva la lee here. :P hi there!
As for the thread, ive allways believed that all members should treat each other with respect, dispite there opinions or choice of platform or whatever they are dissagreeing on, its all a matter of opinion, and there are plenty to be thrown around, but dont be fooled, there are plenty of good people here, in one thread saltlick made i even made a list of those people, and it was pretty big, it had atleast 10+ people on it, saltlick, viva la lee, cactus suace, clemclemforever, crixus, and raidon just to name a few.
Its important to respect the opinions of those you talk to, it insures a good discussion will be had, which i assume is one of the many reasons we are here, to discuss the game we all love, The Walking Dead.
Lol we are always in the middle when it comes to these topics, And yeah there are still a lot of good people left, In my opinion the other members should just ignore the whole downvoting problem because the clown who does it wants to bother you and its up to you to give him that pleasure, as for the stupid threads the mods close most of them when they see them they just need to get more active with that, But there are still plenty of good users left so just think about that
Ha, i edited that post severaltimes to incluide a few other people i forgot to include. "there were specific people i thought should be mentioned and i didnt want to make another huge list lol."
But yeah, there are plenty of us respectfull people here, dont be afraid to post just becuase someone dissagrees with you, its why we are here, to agree to dissagree.
Also, its nice to see you and viva la lee getting along.
I've heard more than a couple people say they are afraid to post theories because they will get downvoted, What Im trying to say is you shouldn't give a damn about that, 99% of those guys are trolls anyways so you would have to leave the forum
I couldn't agree more.
You sir have been " Upvoted" back