Walking Dead - Mac - Save file "bug"

edited February 2014 in Game Support

Hi, I'm new on the board.
I registered because I have a game breaking problem.

I'm playing on a Mavericks Mac. Via Steam. Steam Cloud activated or deactivated, it doesn't change the problem.

I played from episode 1 to episode 4, obviously closing and opening the game multiple times, with no problem. One evening, I finished episode 3 and moved in episode 4 right up to the "stranger shadow" (don't spoil, please...). I closed the game, got to sleep, then opened again the game only to find that the save game was "older".

Older as in: I didn't finish episode 3. It starts right to the end, where Lee watches over Clem. Then I can play everything up to episode 4, any point. At that point I exit to the main menu, and the save shows the save time correctly. Like it saved correctly.

Then I close the game, reopen it.....and the save time is wrong (it goes back to the first time I finished episode 3), and of course it repeats the problem (episode 3 not finished).

I can't go on like this! Anything I do in episode 4 is useless! And I don't want to go far, because I fear it could be all for nothing!

Please help me!


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