Graphics glitches?

edited August 2008 in Game Support
Hi! I got the PC semo of SBGFCAP, and it rules! (I can't believe there was a Lords Of Acid reference in there, that was awesome). The only problem is with some of the textures that I guess are decals, most notably Strong Bad and Homestar's eyes, Strong Sad and Stong Mad's entire faces, the Snake Boxer 5 game, the No Loafing sign, the Videlectrix poster and some other decals. I'm running in "HIGH" graphics settings, my computer is a Athlon64 3200+ (2.21GHz) with 2GB RAM running XP Home. My graphics card is an integrated SiS 760 with the latest drivers.

Is there anyway I can get the game to display properly or am I just doomed to having to buy a Wii? (Because I absolutely. DESPISE. the Wii.)


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    What's actually happening to the textures? Can you post a screenshot?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    My graphics card is an integrated SiS 760 with the latest drivers.

    That could be the problem, as we require a 3D card and integrated graphics don't always work.

    But you could try updating your DirectX here. Let us know if that fixes it or not.
  • edited August 2008
    It says I already have the latest DirectX. :(

    Here are screenshots of what it's doing.

    I guess this is supposed to be something, because the lines spin and it plays some 8-bit music:

    Strong Sad has no face, and Strong Bad has no eyes:

    The "No Loafing" sign is just a grey square:

    Same for the Videlectrix poster:

    Snake Boxer 5 has no graphics, besides the text:

    Strong Bad writes "The Track" but the writing doesn't show up:

    Homestar has no eyes:

    Guess I need to buy a graphics card. :(
  • edited August 2008
    I'm having similar graphical glitches with the demo. Strongbad's eyes keep disappearing! When checking the e-mail, his reflection had no eyes, but when he got off of his lappy, they magically returned to his sockets. However after playing the Snake Boxer game thing, his eyes have left his skull permanently.

    I have the game's graphics set on high, I have a ridiculously overpowered compy for this game. It has an 8800GT, 4 gigs o' ram, a quad core intel thinky-chip and a bunch of other electrical wizardry. (I don't feel like listing everything in it, there are things no mortal should attempt to understand). It's running on Vista x64 SP1, Bill Gate's pride and joy.

    I am saddened and disturbed by Strongbad's truant ocular organs.
  • edited August 2008
    Zi11ion hopefully this will help?

    Good luck! :)
  • edited August 2008
    I'm having some problems with the Wii version where Strong Bad disappears from the screen and all you can do i click stuff and he says "Interesting" and "Not so interesting." So far it happened once when I checked an email and got stuck at the Lappy, but now it happens when I try to go into the House of Strong.

    Every time I enter the location I get stuck in the front yard (because I can't interact with the environment.) I can use the map to get out, but I need to get into the house to get rid of dumbface... I have tried reseting and updating my Wii... No luck so far. I can't do anything at the House of Strong, but everywhere else is fine.
  • edited August 2008
    Stro Bro has like, Blue lines, or like a triangle of blue, sometimes grey too, behind/around him. Oh and, in extended play, if I close the Luxza-Lounger. The peeps return, and if I turn on The Cheat's music, them form a line... but just stand there. PS: Wii.
  • edited August 2008
    ...Oh and, in extended play, if I close the Luxza-Lounger. The peeps return, and if I turn on The Cheat's music, them form a line... but just stand there. PS: Wii.

    I have that too, and also I've noteced that when you go some places with the diskette polo shirt(eg. right outside of SB's house), the polygons strech all over the place! :S
  • edited August 2008
    Yeah.... I noticed to... I'll just change my shirt!
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