If you were the Writer of season 2 of the walking dead what would you do for each epiosde
If you were the head writer of this season what would you do. What character's would you add in (being new or old) And what would you have clementine go threw( growing up, killing someone for the first time or what ever) And the name of each episode and what there about. Just something fun I thought up to past the time an tell episode 2 comes out.
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I would like to have Clementine talk like Morgan Freeman, and everyone will have Kenny's stache.
Suddenly everybody is cured, Carley and Lee are alive and they all live happily ever after.
yeah i would suck at writing for this game.
You cursed Clementine!
I would ruin the story and more then likely ruin telltales rep while im at it. though I guess if I came up with my own story and actually thought it through I could come up with a pretty decent story.
Clem and her group go at war with Carver and his group (Prison/Governor) style
I'll have Clementine kill Nate or Carver with her bare hands in revenge for killing Luke or someone else
At some point in the game, I would give players the hardest choice I can think of: You can save Kenny's life, but the only way to do it is to shave off his mustache.
Make the juice box Clem's homie
You... you MONSTER. No matter how long the timer, I could never make that choice.
No jokes, if I was ACTUALLY the writer of Season Two's future episodes I'd like the overall story arc for Clementine to be loneliness. She had lost her parents, Lee, Omid and now Christa (for the time being anyway). And yes, she has a new group. But her character has lately been nothing but tragedy, to even worse tragedy. I think by the end of the Season, most of her group will be dead, turned, or simply went their separate ways (like most of Season One's turned out). Reason why I think this was because all the promotion material we've seen of Season Two (artwork mainly) has ONLY been showing her and the fact that she's taking center spotlight over everyone. Back in Season One, Clementine and Kenny were both getting quite a good bit of media attention (Clementine the most) even though neither of them were the main protagonist. Season Two on the other hand some people are forgetting the names of characters who will likely play a huge role in future episodes (in my book it's going to be Luke and Carlos).
To put it simply, I have a feeling that the Season will end with her alone once more, but more refined and able to take on absolutely ANYTHING that gets in her way. And we'll be controlling a more refined Clementine in Season Three.
And yes, if there will be a Season Three (because let's face it, it's likely going to happen) she will be the protagonist once again.
all the way up to season 10
I don't know what I'd do for plot right off the bat, but I'd like the conflict between different groups to amount to more than one camp being psychotic. Possibly getting to know well-meaning people on both sides of the dispute, and being forced to either reach an understanding or choose sides.
I'd also try to keep the season from ending on a completely dismal note. We know there are going to be tragedies, but I want to feel like everything amounted to something. Actually having a reason to keep struggling is what set Telltale's version of The Walking Dead apart for me.
I want clem and the group she currently with to meet a squad of special forces that has been cut off from their base,so there will be a lot of action and gunfight either with walkers or with a hostile survivors
This would be my episode layout(Could probably apply to all of them
And yes, I'm kidding(Apart from make player cry lol) and will probably post a long post about a potential story in the morning lol.