Safety in Numbers? or Better Alone?
So Rick Grimes believe's there's you have more chance of survival in a group, whereas Christa believes the best way to survive is to stay away from people.
Who's right?
Are they both?
How could they be if so?
Personally I think Christa has a very good point, especially considering how many crazies are running around, but Rick is right too, long term you have no chance on your own.
What do you think?
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Rick has been with the group since the beginning. 2 years into the apocalypse it'll be way harder to find people you can trust
Being with a group:
Being alone:
Every situation's different.
Some groups will be able to maintain trust, while others are a civil war waiting to happen.
I'd prefer a group, you cant just exsist in my opinion you need the survive for a reason; even just a few other people.
(Spoiler) the previous episode with Michonne showed that if your alone how are you any different from the dead
A group is better especially if its people understand each other
Definitely a group, you would stand a much better chance
Alone the best.
after seen the conflicts that happens after playing the game,watch the show,and read the comic.I would prefer to be's not the dead you need to worry about,they're dumb and slow,but it's the living that has their own personal agenda you need to be careful with
I would prefer being in a group,I could sleep better knowing that other people could watch my back while I sleep.
Well I don't think I will make it alone cause I am such a scary-cat but with a group It would much safer for me.
There both right, Numbers but far far in the country or mountain top.
Unless your rambo prefer a group but saying that group you can trust think clem if no one saved her in woods she be dead also believe always have an escape plan where you can take supplies and still survive if things go wrong have small group within group have back up plan
It's hard because there's such a thin line when it comes to groups. I'd want to be part of a group, but I'd want that group to be smart and strong and not take risks that don't need to be taken and BOOM, all of a sudden I'm basically a member of Crawford.
I'm going to say it's better to be alone as long as you've started alone. I can only imagine it'd be very hard to be part of a group for so long, have that group blow up and all of a sudden have to fend for yourself. The psychical, mental and emotional toll must be immense.
Alone, and you go crazy. Not to mention, it's kind of nice if you have a little more security when sleeping... Besides, if you are alone indefinately, what's the point? Get a group together, try and bunker down - always balancing bigger groups have more needs, but have more manpower.
The big thing people aren't taking in to account is structure - pretty much all the groups in The Walking Dead seem more or less to have a leader. Trying to have some sort of council or something may ease tensions if there is a bad leader (like the Governor, for instance). As to somebody like that trying to assassinate other members for power or just bad ruling in general, or if you have a group and people try and take your stuff, history is full of things like that. It's called a breakdown of society because it is a destabilization - a Balkanization of the world, but the rules governing political power are the same. It's Hobbes' Leviathan all over again. Groups are neccesary, but so is statecraft.
Rick is right, they are so far the best survivors ever in the zombie apocalypse. Whats that ancient African saying? "cross the river in numbers"
What gengar said - personally i'd prefer going it alone, just my personality, but it's not just that, it's more practical too. or in a couple (like Christa and Omid/Christa and Clem.) Plus the more of you there are the more attention you attract. Plus you don't have to cope mentally with loss of close friends (R.I.P kenny, chuck, Lee, Omid..... you'll never be forgot