SBCG4AP: Crashes when I change resolution

edited August 2008 in Game Support
I have the Windows version of SBCG4AP, and in the Settings section, when I change to any resolution above 1440x900 (even 1400x1050), my computer reboots!

I just reinstalled Windows recently, and nothing has ever made my computer do this before. Any suggestions?

(Actually, here's MORE bad news... I left it sitting at 1440x900 for a while just now while I was writing this post -- and it rebooted without my even touching it! Yikes...)


  • edited August 2008
    Your computer probably isn't rebooting on its own; you're most likely getting a stop error (Blue Screen of Death) and your computer is set to automatically reboot when that happens. Since your problem occurred when you didn't change anything, but was prompted to occur when you switched resolutions, I'm willing to bet it's a video driver problem. Go to your video card manufacturer's website, or your motherboard manufacturer/computer vendor's website if you have integrated video, and download the latest video driver. When you reinstalled Windows, it probably automatically installed an old driver or a generic driver.
  • edited August 2008
    Okay... even at the lowest resolution, my computer reboots as soon as Strong Bad tries to check his email. I juuuuuust updated my video card drivers, too. I'm going to try installing some other 3D programs, see if I run into the same problem or not...

    Any suggestions?
  • edited August 2008
    Ah, whoops, didn't see your post, Forteblast! Thank you.

    And, shoot, in fact, you're right -- I didn't even know that setting was there. And now that it's cleared, yup, blue screen!

    But unfortunately, I had actually already just updated my video card drivers! So there goes that option. Any other ideas? (I'll try reinstalling Steam next and see if that crashes too...)
  • edited August 2008
    I would try updating you directx as well. Also what are you system specs?
  • edited August 2008
    Well, when I installed the game, it said it was updating my DirectX for me, but I could always try running Microsoft's installer too.

    I've got a 2.0 GHz AMD processor (the old kind! Single-core..) and a 512 MB ATI Radeon X1650 AGP video card.

    (Never got a chance to try Steam last night, though... turns out the game DOES run on my laptop, and was too darned distracting! ;) So this is no longer urgent per se but I'd still like to figure it out... I'd rather not be playing on my lappy if possible.)
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    Hmm, if updating DX and your Radeon drivers didn't work, you could always try using Omega's Radeon drivers. Now because they are third party drivers, you can't exactly be sure they are problem free, but I have yet to hear of any serious issues. Many people have had similar problems that were fixed by using the Omega version.
  • edited August 2008
    Sounds promising! This isn't the first time I've had issues with this card... I'll give these drivers a shot, thanks :)
  • edited August 2008
    Oh man! I'm sorry it took so long for me to try them, but those Omega drivers work PERFECTLY. Thank you so much!! I can finally play Portal in DirectX 9 mode, too. :P

    Thank you thank you thank you! :)
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