Please stop the TWD ep 2 release date complaining

You must understand 2-3 hours of content takes time. Just accept the delay and expect a Feb 25 release date or possibly a week after that.Telltale is not messing with you their working as hard as they can. Since there was a holiday between the last episode and the next just give the game some room to birth. Maybe play something like TWAU ep 2 and cool your jets for a bit. Its also a really good game thats like TWD.
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I don't give a crap about delays as long as Telltale actually communicates.
Used care know don't think of battlefield as an example if pressure telltale get the game rushed it will become bug filled game and short. Telltale have highest standards so give them time longer the better i want each chapter to be perfection
Two things: They're communicating the best they can and it's not their choice to confirm detailed release dates. The reasons being, on Twitter they confirm if it's coming out soon, they confirm if the game's done by saying about how they played it, but when it comes to a release date, don't bug them. They send the game over to Sony and Microsoft for the aunthenticating process, because as you know, they like to release their games multi-platform. Only after that, they can make a release date for the game. The companies usually take a couple days to get around to the game, because they're busy with other stuff too. This is why i agree with the OP, this complaining is getting really old.