Episode 2 missed part

edited February 2014 in The Wolf Among Us

I missed this little part near the beginning of episode 2. Right after you find out Snow is still alive and you are walking to the office, she begins the discussion about how she feels like it is her fault that the snow imposter got killed. It is during this discussion that she mentions that the body was glamoured but we did not know exactly how it happened at that point. After Snow mentioned the glamour first, there was even a pause where Bigby looked suspicious about the fact that she brought it up. Anybody else notice this subtle dialogue? Also do you think that this could mean that Snow is a suspect or possibly somebody acting as Snow?


  • edited February 2014

    Interesting point, but we find out later that the other Snow was in fact glamoured and was really Lily, Holly the bartender's sister. The real Snow was just acknowledging the truth.

  • To be fair, it felt like a forced exposition as to how Snow is still alive, so people who couldn't figure it out would go: "Oh, that makes sense", but I'm fairly sure most people already guessed that. I personally think that felt like it was really awkwardly put in.

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