Download problem 'The wolf within us'

I paid for the game and because the internet was slow, left it 'cooking' overnight. The next more there seemed to have been a problem with the download and are unable to locate the file or any reference to the purchase. I have be trying to re download or re-install but cant find any location for earlier files. Any help would be appreciated.


  • It seems also I have purchased it twice, how do I go about refund???

  • Not only did I purchase two games, the second download of the game also crashed. Still have no game. Rather disappointed and would like refunds on both.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    You should be able to download a fresh installer from your My Games page on this website. You can access your games page by clicking the small downward facing arrow on the top right of this web page, and then click My Games from the drop down menu. After getting to the My Games page, you should then be able to click on the game you wish to download, and then click on the download link to begin downloading a fresh installer. You will then be able to download the game by double clicking that installer from your computer.

    As for the game being purchased twice, please contact our Support Staff at for further assistance regarding your request.

    hevasexy posted: »

    Not only did I purchase two games, the second download of the game also crashed. Still have no game. Rather disappointed and would like refunds on both.

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