My thread on refunds got closed - for the sake of freedom of speech, open it back!

Just half a day ago, I made a thread about critical threads being closed/deleted. Now, I log back in to realize my thread on refunds has been closed.
I do not accept the reason for the mod to close the thread. Let the discussion continue. That was always gonna be a polarizing thread anyways.
Three reasons:
1) The thread cannot have run its course. If that were the case, lots of other threads with thousands of replies should have "run their course".
2) Personal attacks...I don't think this was very much an issue. Like I said above, the thread was always gonna be polarizing and people were not likely to agree.
3) The suggestion to continue the discussion in the release date thread makes no sense in the context of the thread in question.
If this is how things are gonna be, please put a disclaimer in BOLD at the top of the forums: ONLY POSITIVE THREADS WELCOME
The concerned thread:
You got silenced by the mods because of the young 14 year olds who just found annoying and unrelated gifs to post. Welcome to the internet
That reply literally makes no sense.
Then delete those posts or serve them a warning. No need to put a blanket over the thread and delete it. Just makes me wonder if the mods are acting on the call of the devs to limit damage and make less people aware of the fact that refunds will be possible should it come to that.
The purpose of the thread was always to raise awareness that we can take things into our own hands should Telltale not deliver, and I suppose Telltale wouldn't let it happen, not on their own site anyways.
2 great people got banned for fighting trolls, So the fact that thread was closed ( For whatever reason) comes as no surprise, Just Deal with it Man they will probably close this one too
QQ moar
But I find it a bit ironic that you are talking about " Free speech" and Freedom when you told @Ellias that being gay " was not cool" , Just saying...
It's probably some of the mods work for Telltale and don't want anyone harming their product like you said.
You don't understand what freedom of speech is.
There are a lot of religions in the world and not everyone who believes in a god has a problem with homosexuality.
You aren't really in a position to make demands like that, but nevertheless I'll give an explanation to be nice anyways.
I'm sorry that other users have derailed your discussion, but nevertheless, saying you disagree with the reason a thread was closed is not really a valid excuse for us to reopen it. We didn't close the thread because it was "negative" (although I do think that your claim of "legal entitlement" was a bit questionable), but rather because the discussion had devolved into insults. Of course, you have freedom of speech, but that does not negate the necessity for forum guidelines regarding respect for other users.
We are just community volunteer mods and we are not being compensated or pushed in any way to prevent people from saying... [gasp] negative things about Telltale.
However, we are trying to keep things on the forum in order. I am a relatively new mod so I cannot entirely speak on how the other mods act, but I would say that if a thread becomes derailed, than I personally speaking would typically try to keep it open if the positives outweigh the negatives. If the original topic promotes a constructive discussion, and the thread has the possibility of getting back on track, then I would usually try to keep it open (Again, this is me speaking for myself and not on behalf of the rest of the mods). Going off of Jennifer's explanation, she did not see potential for the thread to get back on track, and I am going to support her on that.
If a mod closes or "sinks" a thread, even if you disagree with the reasoning, I would prefer that you not create multiple new threads about it. I'm going to be nice and leave you with a warning for now, but don't do so again.
EDIT: While I'm at it...
I already discussed this in your other thread, but just to bring it up here again to disarm any conspiracy theorists, most of the "negative" threads you mentioned there were created by alternate accounts of banned users who were posting off-topic trolling threads in the popular forums to create forum drama rather than to have constructive discussion.
If somebody creates a constructive thread about Telltale criticism, we are fine with it. Looking around the forums for just five minutes will show you that lots of criticism of Telltale remains untouched by us. We only act on it if it is a troll post meant to provoke forum drama rather than legitimate discussion.
Reopening this real quick to say that - no, we don't work for Telltale. Read below.