Anyone have twitter?
wanna add me? Just signd up and have no friends ( like in real life lol )
Please =[
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wanna add me? Just signd up and have no friends ( like in real life lol )
Please =[
what's a twitter
I think its the sound birds make when they poop
Jesus, are fucking trolling me??! If you are not, you have been living under a rock.
no and ..... no?
what's trolling?
what's a rock?
What, I replied to jexxx21, not for you
Smells like a troll
Damn shitter, someone should make an account and ask telltale about Episode 2, seems like they are only answering to other "twitter shitters"...
can someone give me a translation for this shit
when did joking become trolling
thumb this comment down if you gave it a thumbs up
With "shitter" I mean "twitter"
with "twitter shitters" I mean those people who have a twitter account.
Was it soo hard?
go back to the peeps you like to shit with and come back after you learn how to clean your butt
well you two are liars because you did not give this comment a thumbs up
i see you troll
just walking around
demanding money from your people
how's that blue?
where did you get it? I thought that he died.
now following, wear tighter pants lol
i love you guys
you're like fairies
do i need to put money in the douchebag jar
hello the walking dane, good luck on becoming a screenwriter
lol thats not going to happen as i cant even spell, I had planned to learn, but then just kinda like, got high a bunch of times and didnt
is this comment going to get three thumbs down or more
does anyone here watch New Girl
it's a comedy on FOX
you know, I don't really understand how FOX News can be owned by the same people who make tv shows and movies that clearly aren't as conservative.