Please do not get your hopes up
I just merely wanted to come here and post after reading on the Steam forums that people are all excited the game has been uploaded to the Steam servers.
Not to burst your bubble, but this could mean many things. The most likely explanation is this is a pre-final beta build. I am 99% certain this is not the episode in whole being uploaded to the Steam servers.
If you notice, the size of the game increases from 1.1GB to around 1.9GB. This is roughly 800MB increase.
As you should know, Telltale Games do not reuse art assets from previous episodes (even if they do the art assets are always re-uploaded).
If you look back at Season 1, EP1 was 500MB, EP2 900MB and the other three around 700-800MB.
TWAU EP1 and 2 both were roughly 1.1GB each.
Considering TTG uses advanced shader effects, higher resolution models and more detailed textures, 800MB is an awfully small size for an episode.
Don't forget, TWDS1EP1 was BOTH longer AND had branching environments (from your choices), but TWDS2EP1 was shorter and not a single branching environment yet the EP1 of S2 was more than twice the size of EP1 of S1.
All in all, if I were you, I will just chill. Microsoft, Sony and Apple take a bare minimum of ONE WEEK to approve the absolute final build of the episode for certification, and as of Tuesday this week the episode was still in development in the words of TTG's own staff.
So again, guys, earliest possible time is Tuesday in 2 weeks time, but a more realistic release date would be in 3 weeks. This is if course contingent on the fact you still want to take Telltale's word after all their chicanery in recent times.
3 weeks? I disagree I think it will be at least another 2 months.
What about another 27 years, maybe?
Certainly cannot discount that. We still do not know the extent to which Telltale Games have been misleading us all this while.
If it isn't an episode, what is it?
A beta build of the episode. Pre-loading assets of the episode. Or even a less-than-complete version of the game for review purposes.
But most probably just Beta testing the Steam features.
a 800 MB text file all written
"Telltale likes your tears"
over and over
I hope these tears taste good, Telltale.
Drink up.
Oh I haven't, with Telltale I never get hopes up until a release date conformation by TT themselfs...
As they say, better late than never!
To late, my hopes are sky high.
I hope it doesn't take as long as Ep 2 of TWaU did..
Whats up with this negative thinking
I knew it! it was all a lie!
We wont know till the end of the week
No one really lied.