Season1 to season 2 is 2 Years Clem time.

edited February 2014 in The Walking Dead

Ok so Tell Tale has said the end of season 1 to the Beginning of season 2 is 2 YEARS. Whats that mean? we can always have new content if we all let them know we want it. This game never has to END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there are so many gaps we can go back too! How did clem meet up with Omid and krista? What happened for 2 years?? who did that meet???? ZOMG TT GET STARTED PLZZZ.


  • I'm sorry but, sooner or later, it will end. Also because it would repeat the same scenes, maybe with different characters, but it would be boring after some time. I think there will be another season, maybe two, not more.

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