hhhhh I hope it the trailer comes out before next thursday, I have important things to do till saturday and I can be worrying about if i'm missing a trailer
They'll probably tease us with a few more pics next week and maybe a trailer, and then a few vine vids before the episode is released. TTG said it will be released early March I'm hoping the first week of it.
If you checked their fb, it says next week and the episode will be available early march
They always release it a couple of days before the episode comes out so expect it by the end of the month
Hopefully after they narrow down the relase date so I know when it is released. I havnt watched the trailers since episode 3, it spoils so much
Next week.
Thursday of next week, followed by the cryptic Vines and hopefully a release on the fourth.
I think we will get the trailer next friday (28.2.2014) and get the episode on the tuesday afterwards (4.3.2014)
Not until The Last Guardian is out.
hhhhh I hope it the trailer comes out before next thursday, I have important things to do till saturday and I can be worrying about if i'm missing a trailer
They'll probably tease us with a few more pics next week and maybe a trailer, and then a few vine vids before the episode is released. TTG said it will be released early March I'm hoping the first week of it.
March 1st
Probably Thursday, February 27th because they tend to release trailers 5 days before actual release (assuming March 4th) pretty lately.