TWAU Demographics Results

edited February 2014 in The Wolf Among Us

Once again... hello everyone!

As a reasonable amount of time has now passed since my last post, it's time to reveal the statistics. The discussion seemed pleasant enough after the first few posts and I appreciate your time and effort to help me make this possible. There will be another poll later, maybe after the season or around episode 5, with a proper data gathering tool so we can get more accurate results (confidentiality), although no one's there to stop the discussion.

I'm sure this data is not 100% accurate due to obvious reasons but it is a fairly good indicator nonetheless. Note also that this isn't player statistics, but forum statistics.

AGE, 56 answers

  • under 16 XXXXXXXXXXXX (21%)


  • 23-29 XXXXXXXXX (16%)

  • 30-36 XXXXXXX (13%)

  • 37-43 X (2%)

  • 44-50 - (0%)

  • over 50 - (0&)

GENDER, 47 answers


  • Female XXXXXXXXXXX (23%)

REGION, 50 answers collected country-specifically

  • North America XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (47%, of which 96% from USA)

  • Western Europe XXXXXXXXXXXX (24%, of which 42% from UK)

  • Eastern Europe XXXXXXXXXXX (22%)

  • Australia XXX (6%)

  • Asia X (2%)

PLATFORM, 53 answers

  • PlayStation 3 XXXXXXX (13%)

  • Xbox 360 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (30%)


  • iOS XXXX (8%)

PLAYED TWD, 52 answers


  • After TWAU X (2%)

  • Hasn't played XXXXX (10%)

READS FABLES, 53 answers


  • Before TWAU XXXX (8%)


The preview doesn't work well with this but I hope it's pretty easy to read. You can post a better graph in the comments if you like. XD


  • edited February 2014

    Alt text

  • Pretty interesting results to see. Nice work on the stats.

  • edited February 2014

    Very nice indeed! I also enjoyed your thread very much.Looking forward for the next one.

  • Very interesting results. Very detailed as well.

  • I'll help you with your stats. Age 16-22, Male, in USA, read Fables before playing Wolf Among Us, haven't played Walking Dead, play on the PS3.

  • I ended up playing the Walking Dead today. Can you update from haven't played to played after playing The Wolf Among Us, thanks.

  • Sup,Sniper.

    Pretty interesting results to see. Nice work on the stats.

  • Just make sure you put that in the next time there's a poll because the results form a better comparison if we take early data on later data. I did do changes like that based on comments in the last thread, such as people telling where they came from in a later comment etc. but this will stay for now. I do appreciate it, though.

    LukaszB posted: »

    I ended up playing the Walking Dead today. Can you update from haven't played to played after playing The Wolf Among Us, thanks.

  • edited February 2014

    Not much to say here.Alt text

  • Except to post those non-related GIFs everywhere, that is... Don't take it the wrong way but I don't see you posting many Telltale GIFs though you seem to prefer GIFs over text. (I like the Sherlock GIF in all its irrelevance anyway)

    Phyre posted: »

    Not much to say here.

  • Yeah, I agree with Finnisher above. You got to understand that every once in a while, that you have to eventually stop posting these GIF's, right? At least for a little while, because it seems like that you're trying way too hard to get some likes with most of these, and for a lot of people, it'll get annoying to see if they're being posted constantly.

    Phyre posted: »

    Not much to say here.

  • only 6% play in Australia? not surprised all people play here is fifa and cod it is a joke I am actually surprised it did not get banned for nudity

  • Also, Finn, are you going combine the data from your previous post with the data gathered from your next future post? 'Cause I was thinking on posting in your previous discussion concerning my data! :D

  • I'm not trying to get likes.I don't NEED likes.Okay?I'm only trying to lighten the mood and express myself with animated gifs and memes.I'm sorry if i offended or annoyed anyone in the process.If you wish,i was trying to say that i dunno what to say anymore on this thread.Congratulations,Finnisher.These are great results.I don't see what else i can say.Happy,now? :(

    Phyre posted: »

    Not much to say here.

  • edited February 2014

    Alright, alright, I was just sayin'. Did you forget your pass to your other account or something? You didn't have to create another account because of what I, or any other person said, if you felt that bad about it. It's seriously all good with me, that is!

    Phyre2 posted: »

    I'm not trying to get likes.I don't NEED likes.Okay?I'm only trying to lighten the mood and express myself with animated gifs and memes.I'm so

  • I'm not being aggressive,just...Defending myself,is all.And,no.I dunno why,but i woke up this morning and my account was banned,so i made another one...I'm really sad about it... :(

    Alright, alright, I was just sayin'. Did you forget your pass to your other account or something? You didn't have to create another account be

  • You can post there as well if you'd like to share but I was thinking about making a poll next time perhaps so I'll probably be only counting stuff people fill in there so it'll be quicker for everyone and the shy people can do it as well. I won't be combining, only comparing most likely.

    Also, Finn, are you going combine the data from your previous post with the data gathered from your next future post? 'Cause I was thinking on posting in your previous discussion concerning my data!

  • I hold nothing against you, just so you know. But seems like not everyone was happy with your conduct... My condolences.

    Phyre2 posted: »

    I'm not being aggressive,just...Defending myself,is all.And,no.I dunno why,but i woke up this morning and my account was banned,so i made another one...I'm really sad about it...

  • Okay,good job,Finnisher!How much did it even take you to do this?

  • A few hours, some time but not too much. The post was up for quite a while though.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Okay,good job,Finnisher!How much did it even take you to do this?

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