Something Weird & Funny I found In Episode 1 season 2..

Why in the world did TT make the zombie who kills Winston punch him? If you pay attention to the scene you will see the zombie tackle Winston on the ground then you here a punch sound. Is that some type of glitch because that was funny. I'm surprised nobody else noticed that. It also looks like the zombie punched him. This leads to my next question is it possible we'll encounter more intelligent zombies who can do human stuff like on resident evil 6? Please pay close attention to that scene when you play again. You will be like WTF did that zombie just punch Winston???


  • Unlikely they've never been shown to develop any degree of intelligence over the course of the comics.

  • KK :) and don't forget to watch the scene it's funny

    Unlikely they've never been shown to develop any degree of intelligence over the course of the comics.

  • Yeah I noticed that too. It's kind of like WTF did that zombie just throw a left hook?

  • IKR?

    Yeah I noticed that too. It's kind of like WTF did that zombie just throw a left hook?

  • Well it was likely accidental but yeah Zombies just throw themselves at you

  • I don't think so, The Walkers in the game are pretty dumb you know and I don't see them going out of their way to randomly create these super intelligent robotic Zombies, On a side note, Winston got punched by a zombie.. Jesus Are you fucking kidding me?

  • They lurch/lunge with with all their might/reckless abandon, then grab and bite, so them punching people somewhere in their body,by accident rather than design, would be fairly common.

    Also I thought it just pushed Wintson really hard. It sort of slammed him with a push to hold him still, then bit him on the neck.

    I just think this is actually a good thing, it shows the kind of violent brutality the Walkers can unleash, and shows that they are a dangerous predator like any other animal in the wild.

    Walkers being able to harness their human strength (which includes pushing themselves to go faster when prey is near) is what makes them so dangerous. Play any scene from the games, and you will see that Walkers are very lunge-y-type of predators in how they attack prey.

    I've only seen a few of the Comics but I'm pretty sure they act like this as well. They may not be super smart, but they are capable of animal cunning-such as bursts of action. (They still can't run or even jog though, the poor hungry buggers) [TV SHOW DOESN"T COUNT, IT LETSTHEM JOG SOMETIMES BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE THE CREATIVITY OR SCREEN TIME TO SHOW CHARACTERS SLOWING DOWN OR TRIPPING DUE TO RUNNING TOO FAST FOR TOO LONG].

  • edited February 2014

    TL:DR I always thought the walkers had 2 Main assets allowing them a realistic chance at killing a human who is fighting for survival:

    BASIC ANIMAL CUNNING: They are dumber than animals, but they do have some basic animal cunning. One of the examples of this is the natural predator style lurch they perform to pin targets and prevent their escape, as well as their herd mentality. They are slower than people, but they are just as strong as the corpse that they are composed of, and can use that strength to great effect. Another example of this would be their tendency to rarely Lurk, or hibernate until prey comes close enough for them to grab on to. EG Lurkers bit Pete in EP1 of SE2.

    LIMITLESS ENERGY: Walkers may only be able to walk, but they can walk forever. People get tired, have to eat, drink and sleep, but Walkers can just keep on following you until you collapse and they get an easy meal. I do know they can starve and freeze to death if frostbite rots their brain, but my point is they have a LOT more longevity/stamina in them than a person.

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