coughcough Bullshit, even if you don't cut his arm off he dies the exact same way, exact same look, exact same time. If he died from blood loss, he would've died sooner
cough cough Bullshit, even if you don't cut his arm off he dies the exact same way, exact same look, exact same time. If he died from blood loss, he would've died sooner
I trust Telltale to surprise us in many new ways this season. At least I really hope so, he has such tremendous potential for badassery. Indeed he is my favorite character thus far as well.
As for the issue of walking on one leg - seriously, guys. Pegleg Pete.
Okay, I admit I may have been wrong, but your point is still false.
Yes, because blood loss can make your eyes turn yellow and your skin pale, yeah blood loss......
Yes. Blood loss can make your skin pale.
They probably finish the little family quarrel between the two before Nick dies due to circumstances unintentionally and indirectly caused by Pete's mere presence. It would then clear the table for Pete to continue on in the story as an individual ally, creating a Carley/Doug style branching point of view. Boy would I love that... Please, Telltale...
That said, they could just have them come across Nick's corpse on the way back to the cabin once they've dealth with or decided on Pete's leg. That'd be quite tragic though, since neither choice would give Nick and Pete time to resolve their uncle-nephew issues.
Seems like too much work to keep him alive adding extra lines to the game. That's also less playtime/storytime/dialogue for people that let him die. Most likely he'll be dead. Choices never matter that much all lead to the same story branch.
well, they already killed him in nick's path, so they'll have to even it somehow and kill him 1 way or another. it probly won't matter if it w… moreorks or not cause he'll get shot before we have a chance to find out. choosin pete'll probly just give him the chance to follow through on clem's advice if she gave it on their way to the river before he finally bites it.
I trust Telltale to surprise us in many new ways this season. At least I really hope so, he has such tremendous potential for badassery. Indee… mored he is my favorite character thus far as well.
As for the issue of walking on one leg - seriously, guys. Pegleg Pete.
I don't like his chances, but he could survive the bite. For all we know, they found the shack in minutes, and who says they didn't have bandages with them.
The trailer... Please no... Where is Pete? Why is Nick there regardless? But... But my choice...! You couldn't have... No... Telltale... Why...?
The way how Carver's "couple of farm boys and an old man" narrated a scene with only the "farm boys" on the screen... The way how Scott said "we KNOW that things are not going to end up good for him"... I just... I cannot contain the disappointment...
No! I will not give up! I will hold onto the last strings of hope for Pete's sake, maybe they're building up surprise by not showing what is going on with him, but... Why... I trusted you not to take the redundant route, Telltale... I thought you were better than this...
Mumblemumblemumble. Yeah, I am upset. Such huge potential gone to waste. If they really just off Pete this early regardless of choices, then wow. Their choice-writing quality standards have fallen so low that they might as well just not give us choices at all.
Oh man... Clem has bandages on her arm!!
Though Pete would probably contract some sort of disease due to the contact of different blood types or something.
cough cough Bullshit, even if you don't cut his arm off he dies the exact same way, exact same look, exact same time. If he died from blood loss, he would've died sooner
okay one, be civil. you don't need to get aggressive.
secondly, you said blood loss doesn't make your skin pale, which is false.
I trust Telltale to surprise us in many new ways this season. At least I really hope so, he has such tremendous potential for badassery. Indeed he is my favorite character thus far as well.
As for the issue of walking on one leg - seriously, guys. Pegleg Pete.
It doesn't take a half of a day to turn your skin pale, considering he chopped of half of his arm
Okay, I admit I may have been wrong, but your point is still false.
Yes. Blood loss can make your skin pale.
It can't change your eye color though Mr. Smarty Pants
I'm not commenting on that part, can you not understand what i'm saying?
I know I was wrong about the pale skin, but if blood loss can't turn your eyes yellow, then he died from infection of the bite
They probably finish the little family quarrel between the two before Nick dies due to circumstances unintentionally and indirectly caused by Pete's mere presence. It would then clear the table for Pete to continue on in the story as an individual ally, creating a Carley/Doug style branching point of view. Boy would I love that... Please, Telltale...
That said, they could just have them come across Nick's corpse on the way back to the cabin once they've dealth with or decided on Pete's leg. That'd be quite tragic though, since neither choice would give Nick and Pete time to resolve their uncle-nephew issues.
They don't necessarily have to kill him, they could pull a Kenny with him and then just never have him return or something.
Peglegged Uncle Pete
I miss myself too
Maybe he died from both.
Oh man... Clem has bandages on her arm!!
Though Pete would probably contract some sort of disease due to the contact of different blood types or something.
Or maybe, he is still ali....fuck it nevermind
Rest in peace Lee
I know that feel bro T_T
The trailer... Please no... Where is Pete? Why is Nick there regardless? But... But my choice...! You couldn't have... No... Telltale... Why...?
The way how Carver's "couple of farm boys and an old man" narrated a scene with only the "farm boys" on the screen... The way how Scott said "we KNOW that things are not going to end up good for him"... I just... I cannot contain the disappointment...
No! I will not give up! I will hold onto the last strings of hope for Pete's sake, maybe they're building up surprise by not showing what is going on with him, but... Why... I trusted you not to take the redundant route, Telltale... I thought you were better than this...
Mumblemumblemumble. Yeah, I am upset. Such huge potential gone to waste. If they really just off Pete this early regardless of choices, then wow. Their choice-writing quality standards have fallen so low that they might as well just not give us choices at all.
They better deliver on the TYWD person.
Maybe, but it would be a bit stupid of them not to have bandages with them, although they did say they were short on supplies I think.