Vanishing UI & Optional QTEs

edited February 2014 in The Walking Dead

Hello! I enjoy The Walking Dead very much. I have two requests I would like to make for the devs.

  1. Vanishing UI: In season one of TWD I could go idle for a few moments and every aspect of the UI would disappear, allowing for some nice screenshots that didn't have any UI clutter. While there is still an option to reduce the UI (Standard/Minimal)...season two of TWD does not allow the UI to completely vanish. For example, the cursor is always visible. I would like to see the UI completely disappear they way it did in season one.
  2. Optional QTE Removal: The story in TWD is king. The game feels like an interactive story from start to finish. I love this. Those Quick Time Events are not a big deal at all (Quick! Mash hit E!). I do have older family members who love TWD universe, especially these interactive stories with decisions that effect the future episodes, but that's really all they want. The QTEs turn them off to the game. I would appreciate consideration for an option to remove the QTE events, and allow the scene to play out without the requirement for button mashing.

Thank you for your consideration, and for some truly great games over the years!!


  • You are welcome! Your's truly, Mustache man.

  • Well said. Yes both of these offered as options would improve the game.

    I like the QTE's what can I say, but I get your point about how they can put people off.

    This is a good idea and deserves attention :)

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