Your unique ideas to kill or incapitate a walker.

edited February 2014 in The Walking Dead

The most obvious way to kill or prevent a walker from attacking you, is a gun, or a sharp object, but often the game got creative, like dropping a fridge on one, or slamming one's head in with a car door. I made this thread for people to share their original ideas, on how they could hypothetically kill a walker, with things that aren't bullets or melee weapons. I don't have any ideas as of now, but maybe you do! Go nuts!


  • Kenny's Mustache...but i gues that counts as a meele weapon?

  • Saltlicks!

  • If you get a hold of some mines, build a minefield around a place where you are staying, I mean you can even put a sign warning about the mines if you think no one crazy is going to show up and try to kill you... WAlkers can't read :P

  • I really can't say into details exactly what i would do. But i would assume i would try something like Morgan did back in the Tv show.... Or the pits the Governor's group used.

  • Bash their head in with a Xbox one

  • I would breed an army of flies (or airforce if you will), send them out to lay maggots in all the walking corpses in the neighbourhood, wait a while and go out for a nice stroll.

  • edited February 2014

    Lynx + lighter = burn zombies

    Superglue= Close their lips

    Game of football= If heads still lives have kick about

    Dig massive hole in front yard shout to attract zombies see them fall to their death then for little fun if still alive put piece of meat on fishing rod and fish for zombies as they fight for the meat

    Boil kettle drop boiling hot water from window onto the zombies.

    Tie zombie up on chair feed him just vegetables with spoon till so starving actually eats them (Problem solved)

    Tie zombie up tie piece of meat on his head to string on a stick untie watch as zombie trys to get piece of meat just in front of his head but never reaching it for rest of his life till he dies from hungry(dies again already died lol)

    At most evil set up SAW game in my house first room let zombies in lock the door inside the room theres meat for zombies but have make through metres of barbed wire

    Next room lots for surviors lots of bear traps with meat at end of the room

    Final room Meat in pool of oil with candles around the pool if any candle gets knocked down the house blows up

  • edited February 2014

    a nokia 3310 will wipe out all the walkers

    Alt text

  • I would make a Hat (That cover's most of the face) have some kind of blunt thing such as a knife (A mini chainsaw is the best- You'll see why) and put it on there head,it then will let the zombie die,with a nice hat on c:

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