I really should have looked up TTG's mission statement before today: To crush our fans, see them driven before us, to hear the lamenation of the commenters.
I dunno man, I think that it's maybe because you have Been posting a lot those furry gifs/memes and you are furry so everyone may think that... it's more Like.. girl's stuff.
I know moderators are not TT emplyoes and don't know this kind of stuff but one of them (I think was Blind Sniper) said that it was a good guessto expect the trailer tonight but without a concrete release date
I dunno man, I think that it's maybe because you have Been posting a lot those furry gifs/memes and you are furry so everyone may think that... it's more Like.. girl's stuff.
Silly ? It was a guess and I missed it by a day not to mention a lot of people agreed with me that my deduction made sense, Im not a magician and I don't have a crystal ball so your point is ?
Okey dokey... since this is mostly a randomish gif thread, I'm going to shut it down and ask you to move the trailer / Playing Dead / release date discussion to the Episode 2 release date discussion thread. Thanks!
I'm back, yay
Welcome back!
I regret nothing
could the legend be true? could the cart hero have returned!?
"I thought you were dead,"
Cart hero confirmed for season 2
I really should have looked up TTG's mission statement before today: To crush our fans, see them driven before us, to hear the lamenation of the commenters.
Shit, time to go
Thursday is the absolute latest that we can get a trailer, as it is exactly one week from when they said "we'll have coming out next week"
Did I miss anything?
Not really. Same 'ol waiting and watching.
Hopefully the trailer is released before Friday
This is the best conversation I have seen on this forum for a while
Why is it that everybody thinks I am a girl?
And to clearify I love Lilo a Stitch
I dunno man, I think that it's maybe because you have Been posting a lot those furry gifs/memes and you are furry so everyone may think that... it's more Like.. girl's stuff.
I know moderators are not TT emplyoes and don't know this kind of stuff but one of them (I think was Blind Sniper) said that it was a good guessto expect the trailer tonight but without a concrete release date
Say furries are for girls again... I dare you...
Nah, it's cool. I wouldn't expect people to completely understand furries.
Tomorrow you guys! This news is fu**ing excellent!
The question is what time?
you look really silly right now
Silly ? It was a guess and I missed it by a day not to mention a lot of people agreed with me that my deduction made sense, Im not a magician and I don't have a crystal ball so your point is ?
Okey dokey... since this is mostly a randomish gif thread, I'm going to shut it down and ask you to move the trailer / Playing Dead / release date discussion to the Episode 2 release date discussion thread. Thanks!