What will you choose ? BIG CHOICES in Episode 2
Secondly, the trailer dropped some big choices that I think will likely be happening. Although there are no "spoilers" in this thread, the choices below are strongly hinted at!
1) When Carver walks in and talks about the group, (assuming he will ask) "do you know them?", would you respond saying you know them or don't know them ? What i mean is you will likely have the opportunity to try to "cover" for the group for there safety.
2) You will likely have an input with Sarah and how she is being opened up to the zombie world? Do you stay quiet, speak up for it (on Carlos side), or speak up against it and stand up for Sarah (against Carlos)?
3) This is an interesting one, I assume when Clem talks to the group about Carver they will ask "why did he come back . . .?" The trailer did pretty much confirm one thing and that is Rebeccas baby is Carvers - Do you spill the beans yourself about Rebeccas baby? or lie and say you don't know and side with Rebecca who probably will want to tell everyone at a later date.
4) Lastly, the trailer ends with Clem about to kill a zombie. Assuming Luke asks you what you think we should do, do you take them out or try to sneak by them/distract them? Also keep in mind the screenshots of luke and clem on the railroads, make it seem like these zombies will be trouble.
Anyways, those seem like 4 pretty big choices that will show up in episode 2. Of course circumstance may change during the playing of the episode but as of right now what would you choose ?
With Carver, I'll try to be as vague as possible. I want to hear what he has to say but also want to protect the group aswell. That way if he gives some insight of what he knows, I I can ask the group questions later
With Sarah, I speak up for it. She's around the same age as Clem and it's being going on so long, she really should know how to look after herself. What if Carlos wasn't around and she got separated from the other adults JUST LIKE CLEM DID?
As for the baby, although strongly hinted, we don't know if it's definitely Carvers and I don't think the group will ask why he's back, they seem to know he's after them. Some thought Clem was working with him at the beginning remember, However, if asked, not sure what I'd say. May need to see how Rebecca is with me before then to decide.
Doubt Luke will ask Clem what she thinks they should do. There's only 2 of them, taking them out is better for everyone so long as it doesn't involve a gunshot to attract more.
With Carver I'm going to be honest with him about my interactions with the, so far I have a very low opinion of them all except Luke. I will certainly not cover for them unless my opinion drastically changes before he turns up.
With Sarah I will tell her all about my experiences and why being sheltered is a dangerous proposition, I'll try to be nice about it though.
While talking to the group about Carver I'll also be honest but I won't spill the beans about the baby. I plan to twist that knife a lot before I talk about it.
I'll take the kill the walkers option, it's my personal opinion about being in a ZA is that all threats must be neutralized ASAP.
In these situations these would be my choices:
I'm gonna bullshit carver. Even though they might not have treated me that nicely, without them Clementine would be dead.
As for the rest, I don't know.
1)I would tell Carver the truth, mainly because I think he will play dumb and test my "loyalty". I think he will know regardless because of the house.
2) I would stay quiet. That is just how I play my run through. Carlos told me to stay quiet about it so I will let him handle it.
3) I wouldn't spill the beans about the baby. Rebecca is the biggest "b word" in the series thus far but she is still a part of the group. Hopefully this decision will lighten our relationship with her.
4) I would sneak by them. Mainly because I saw what happened in the screen shot. Either way though I think it quickly grows into a threatening scenario.