A message for the hypocrites on this forum
I'll keep this as classy as possible.
Dear those users,
We all want the episodes to come out as quickly as they can.
We all have to wait for the episodes.
Yet some of us have the respect and patience to not be two faced unlike you certain people.
What i mean is, when a episode is released, these certain people praise telltale and go on about how great they are and how much they love them. then when we have to wait for the next episode, these people carry on like 5 year olds about how they can't handle the wait and then they're abusing telltale because they don't get what they want.
Appreciate that telltale are putting all the hard work in, because without them we wouldn't have a game to play.
If you think it's easy, then you go try and make a 5 episode season because i bet that none of those people could even make a one full episode.
You people are ungrateful, undeserving, lazy, spoiled brats who love someone when you get what you want, then when you have to wait they're the biggest idiots around.
In closing,
have a look at the definition "Hypocrite.
Go study the meaning, then work on becoming less of one instead of being Dr.Jekyll and Mr Hyde when it comes to this game.
You're welcome.