A bold ITYWD speculation...

edited February 2014 in The Walking Dead

Guys guys guys listen to me. Telltale has done this a second time. Remember how in the trailer for episode 1 we all thought that Nick was Kenny? And now we have another person in the trailer for episode and we cant say for sure if its Becca or Christa or whoever it is. But what if it is...
...a person from Clementine's childhood who was never introduced to us. Like a pre-apoc school friend, someone Clem knows, but has forgotten. It makes a lot of sense for Telltale to tease us like this, and im sure it wont be a major character like Kenny or Christa. My bet is on childhood friend, it could even be this Sarita girl.



    What if the ITYWD person is Clementine's teacher Miss Moore who taught her how to do those leaf rubbings?

  • I don't think they'll do that, they'd get a lot of serious hate if they did. It's probably a character from Season 1, and the most likely canidates are Kenny, Lilly, or Christa.

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