let's be rational
Rebecca's baby isn't going to make it. I mean, come on it's the zombie apocalypse! they don't have the supplies necessary to keep it alive! what if it dies inside of Rebecca and Clem has to get it out to save her before it reanimates? that would be interesting. or maybe Clem delivers it and it dies and you have to choose between you killing a tiny zombie baby, or Rebecca killing a tiny zombie baby? either way, I don't think that the baby is gonna make it. but what do you guys think?
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maybe they should eat the baby instead
It's not out of the ordinary for a baby to survive. It is unlikely that it will grow up old enough to survive on it's own, but there are plenty of ways to keep a baby alive: a baby isn't some machine that eats everything, it takes up no more resources than any other group member. It isn't that hard, you just need to be sure you keep the baby silent during travel and be sure it stays in a safe area. Also, when traveling, you should avoid dense areas where you can't see very far, such as forests.
What he said! I don't understand the downvotes srsly...
Would be interesting if Rebecca died and Clem had to take care of the baby.
you get an upvote for your well thought out comment! also, I get that you just need to feed it and keep it safe, but in the zombie apocalypse, it seems unlikely that it would survive. plus(not to be morbid here) it would just drag the story down if we had to take care of a baby.
It's not that unbelievable that the baby would survive. People delivered babies without the help of modern medicine for thousands of years, so that's a non-issue, the big problem is keeping it alive. And the biggest part of that problem, is keeping it quiet. Unless of course they find a stationary base(like the Ski Lodge?). Food isn't too much of a problem, but protection is. I don't think they'll have to worry about Carver actually hurting the baby though. Stealing it? Absolutely, but he won't hurt the baby, so that only leaves walkers, and I think they know how to deal with the walkers.
All in all, I think the baby has a decent chance of living. About as much as Judith in the TV Series anyway...
So long as they don't find Lizzie that is.
Umm... Lizzie is already with Judith.
I really won't be happy if they kept Judith alive a little longer than in the comics only to have Lizzie kill her...
Judith survived...
I mean, yes it's unlikely but the baby is suposed to symbolize hope in new begginings so I'm guessing that when the writers decide to kill or not to kill the bay they will be sending the message "hey let's have hope, even a baby can be born in this world..." or the message "you are all f*cked, mankind cna't even breed no more..."
Need I remind you, Michael Madsen is a badass, he will take care of little Lee, unless he dies of course
Didn't you see what Lizzie was doing in episode 10?

Assuming they were captured by Carver and are being kept in a prison as the ep3 suggests, he's not going to let his baby die.
Its not impossible for a Baby to survive in the Zombie Apocalypse, Is it pretty Difficult ? You're goddamn right ! But if Carver captures Rebecca and Clementine i have a hard time imagining him letting his baby die specially after he got to the point of stalking the whole group just to get to Rebecca
I think it would be awesome story twist if she kills Judith. I was disappointed that she survived the prison, not because I hate Judith as a character (I don't have strong opinion about her to one way or another), but because I think that the TV-series too often leaves the gritty parts out of the story and replaces them with bad soap opera. The comic series is much darker and I think that the TV series really needs darker and more desperate atmosphere.
If you have children or know someone with children, you'll know that not every baby is the same. Not every baby will cry constantly for attention, to be fed, or to get a diaper change. Not every baby will wake you up in the middle of the night. Some can be fairly quiet which is a different concern since you don't know if the baby died from SIDS or something.
Look at rattlesnakes. They're evolving to be silent rattlers now (some still have the rattle but you no longer hear it) because of humans killing them. Loud babies in a zombie apocalypse, sad to say, would likely get picked off over time while the quieter ones would survive.
As has been pointed out, women delivered babies without hospitals for thousands of years. It wasn't until after WWII that delivering in hospitals became the norm. If I recall, Jimmy Carter was the first US president to be born in a hospital. All those before him were born at home. The only issue the baby will have is if it's born premature which is often a death sentence for many premies without the proper care or if the baby is sickly for some other reason. Rebecca could also face danger with infection since they don't live in the cleanest environment. Infection often killed women after birth more often than most other things. If Rebecca developed (pre)eclampsia or started to suffer from other problems like the placenta detaching from the uterine wall, she and her baby would be dead for sure. But we have no evidence there are any problems for Rebecca or her baby beyond assuming there's been limited food for Rebecca throughout her pregnancy. Chances are the baby is fine. Only issue might be it being a little underweight or small. I doubt Telltale would be so cruel to take out two babies. What's the point of having it part of the story then outside of shock value? They kill the baby, that might upset a lot of fans and lose them some sales. The game's controversial enough without killing a newborn.
Interesting note, but boys are more likely to be miscarried if the mother is suffering from stress. This often occurs during wars, economic hardships, etc. A boy is also more likely to be miscarried or stillborn if the mother gets into an accident. So chances are Rebecca's baby is a girl (if Telltale's being realistic). Question is if they want to repeat Judith and have another girl or make it a boy. A boy's not impossible in Rebecca's situation, a girl's just more likely.
I know, that's why I said I wouldn't be happy is she actually does kill Judith.