So the most badass of all the badasses is gay. In issue 122 we find out that Jesus is gay. Biggest Kirkman twist ever? >:O
I know I'm shocked. Not saying theres anything wrong with being gay I just didnt see that coming.
The man that has brought us Battle Pope now brings us Gay Jesus.
Yeah I was shocked.
That's awesome.
It thought this said "121" and I haven't read 122 yet... Oh well.
Holy shit, just noticed that jesus was reading gulliver's travels
we also had aaron and eric, and i like them both, but its sad eric died
The moment I saw the title, I know it would be about Paul.
Like many people said, it was quite unpredictable. But Kirkman didnt showed him like the typical gay guy (I want to use the word sterotypye. But I dont know how write it grammaticaly correct ) , which is pretty cool. Anyway, he is still a Badass
LOL this is awesome it's always nice to have more LGBT characters.
bah...just when I was relieved that the other gay character died...
Shame on you, racist..
*homophobic bigot.
you know what really is a shame? every relationship in TWD. True, I can't stand the gay ones in particular, but there wasn't even a single straight one that even was enjoyable to read. I never cared for a single one, because they all seemed so...urgh. Andrea and Dale, Andrea and Rick, Rick and Lori, the countless other relationships with more or less minor characters...I have yet to see someone actually saying "omg, they were so fucking adorable together, I feel so bad for them." And why is that? Because no one really gives a damn.
I think Maggie and Glenn may have been the somewhat most bearable one. And even those two eventually became somewhat boring to watch. And this is coming from someone who actually likes romance and stuff in his stories. I can't really say why it is that way, but I think Kirman fails with this kind of stuff and should probably try to avoid it in favor of truly interesting things, which could progress the plot somehow.
After all, who in here did REALLY care for the black glasses guy and his doctor/nurse girlfriend when she got bit? I feel like nothing really happened between them and their relationship was thus more than just shallow. I don't even remember anymore how they got together in the first place. Sorry for forgetting the names, btw.
I think problably Kirkman isn't that good at writing relationships and just writes them as "existing" and doesn't develops them or gives them meaning, that's why no one cares about the relantionships in the story.
This will sound lame, and this is from someone who is not a big love and cute stuff appreciator (my relantionships were allways like Jack sparrow and "Penelope cruz") but I think a real relantionships has to be developed, and not just be there and stay still in time, it has to evolve and if it's not evolving than you are doing something wrong.
THat's a hole in TWD storys, I guess even in TV shows, Rick and Lori (never believed it to be a real love story), ANdred and Shane and Andrea and the governor (that's more like horny people than love...), Daryl and Carol? They have got literally NOTHING in commun...
Agreed that Glenn and Maggie are the most believeble one but it's kind off "meh" if one of them dies I'm sad becuse the person died and not because that person died and the other is suffering...
A good relationship takes a lot of dialogue which comics are limited on. Every issue has to have an event. Its a pretty hard process to do. Kirkman does a lot better on relationships in the Invincible comics since 3/4's of an issue will be about Mark talking to Eve. A lot of events have to happen in the walking dead to keep the threat alive taking time away from love interest development. Theres hardly anytime to make love surviving so most of the characters get down to the baby making.
Personally I have never seen a good love manga or comic with a believable romantic subplot unless romance was a main theme. Comic writers will poke at it but a lot needs to be cut out to fit bubbles in. Graphic novels are a story of expression and small talk.