Gaming while watching TV/Movies?

edited August 2008 in General Chat
This might sound odd but I find that I do this pretty often. I'll either play my DS/PSP if other people are watching or if I'm alone split screen and play (ps2).

Now it all depends on what type of game I am playing. RPGs I can't really multitask since I need to see the cut scenes and follow the story but for many games (mostly turn based combat) I can do two things at once.

Anyway, anyone else do this?


  • edited August 2008
    Yes.Multi-tasking.I do it very often.Listening to music, reading article on i-mockery, forum-going, and playing phoenix wright all at the same time.What I'm currently doing.
  • edited August 2008
    Yeah, just a couple days ago I was listening to music, eating a salad, playing my DS and watching Batman Begins on DVD.
  • edited August 2008
    Yeah, I do.I usually play DS or go to the forums here while half-watching the olympics.
  • edited August 2008
    It seems that more and more people have less of an attention span. Multitasking to such an extent keeps them stimulated. This move towards instant gratification could be seen as detrimental to certain types of games (adventure games) and has ushered in the era of the fps.
  • edited August 2008
    If I'm playing a game, I'm playing a game. To me, the only reason to do two recreational activities at once is just to pass the time. I might eat or drink while doing so, but that's it. The one exception was nearly ten years ago when I was playing the original Everquest. The downtime between fights could be so long that I would sometimes play a console game while my character healed up.

    I don't really count listening to music as multitasking, though, as it's a passive experience for the most part. After all, there's music in most games anyway.
  • edited August 2008
    Good to see the young people get outside and... what? You don't know what the sun looks like. Sorry.
  • edited August 2008
    Good to see the young people get outside and... what? You don't know what the sun looks like. Sorry.

    Burn! Oh wait, no sun... :p

    You can't truly be concentrating and giving a game your full attention if you are watching TV and listening to music at the same time. That's what I find, anyway.
  • edited August 2008
    I usually listen to music when I do anything unless it's reliant on sound (or I just really like the music).
  • edited August 2008
    good to see the young people get outside and... What? You don't know what the sun looks like. Sorry.

    it burns us! It burns us!
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