The watch, its owner, and something strange
I posted about this in another thread a while back, but I decided since Ep2 is coming tomorrow it'd be a good time to make a thread about it. This isn't another speculation thread about who the watch belongs to, it's proof of who it belongs to. There are people who have extracted S2Ep1's files and sometimes look through them to find stuff and things. I'm one of those people. I'm not the first to find out who the watch belongs to, that was somebody else. The watch belongs to Nick, as proven by this picture:
Pretty interesting, however, I've found something else to do with the watch. Take a look at the following picture:
At first, it may seem mundane and unimportant, but this can tell us a fair bit. The only room shown in the Episode 2 preview that has a wardrobe and a drawer is the room with Nick's watch in it. According to these files, that room is Luke's room. This means they(Nick and Luke) share a room, which is understandable due to the cramped, stuffy cabin because there's not room for everyone to get their own separate bedroom. But seeing that Carver describes both of them, and only those two, as "a couple of farmboys" seems like no coincidence. I think Nick and Luke have some kind of connection- relatives, maybe- but feel free to speculate.
I actually hope TTG would make 'em hug.
Teach me Lord!
Maybe the watch is Carver's
I'm guessing they do share the room, considering one of Nick's belongings in the same room with Luke. I wonder where Pete's room is?
OMG, cabin prop file
How many beds (if any) are in that room?
that would explain the board game in the room