Disappearing Glitch in SBCG4AP (HELP!)
Okay, I had just finished getting the criminal record for homestar, and I had already finished the other two homestars. So, naturally, I went to House of Strong. Strangely, It showed the entire house's inside. I used the map shortcut to leave. I entered again, and the game saved...But strong bad was gone! I couldn't see him anywhere on the screen, and every time I clicked on something he would either say: "Intruiging", "Not So Intruiging", or "Awesome".
I would GREATLY appreciate any help, also, I am playing SBCG4AP on the Wii.
I have tried restarting multiple times as well...
I would GREATLY appreciate any help, also, I am playing SBCG4AP on the Wii.
I have tried restarting multiple times as well...
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Did you ever open the map from inside lappy? As in you never left lappy, you just went straight to the map. And if so, do you remember when or how?
It only happens at Strong Bads house, and it also makes it so I can't enter the house or get the Strong Sad trophy. Is there any way I can fix this?
I'm not sure. I was just playing one day, and it happened. I've tried taking off the costume, but that didn't work.
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Sorry. I think I fixed it.
As Seg has suggested on several other threads about graphics glitches - update your DirectX 9 to the latest version. I'm sure they'll be able to help you further if the problem persists.
(He's running it on a Wii... a system which I don't think uses DirectX :eek::eek::eek:)
In fact, I'm currently trying to track down this bug, and hopefully you can help me. Did you ever manage to open the map while you were in the lappy? If so, do you remember when and how?
I don't remember ever opening the map while using the lappy. I tried to do it with my brothers account, but It wouldn't work.