The bits that got me were when he flips out at Sarita, when he snaps at Nick and finally in the preview (because I gave up and went as a hos… moretage) he looks at Clementine and says "Well at least ONE of us has the balls to not give up" or something like that.
IMO, that was just Kenny being Kenny. He displayed the same immature "you're either with me or against me" attitude with Lee in the meat locker, and now it seems Kenny and Clem are going to have a similar relationship.
That matches with Kenny's character in season one though. He's a survivor. He never gives up even when he loses everything.
I'm interes… moreted in the Kenny/Clem dynamic going forward. We didn't get much of that interaction in season one, but he did deeply care for her and in my playthroughs, would have done anything to save her in the end.
I think Kenny's pretty broken at this point. He seemed a little too unstable, for lack of a better word. Sarita's "old restaurant" comment gave me pause and made me think of the elderly couple in 400 days. Anybody think it's possible they may have mistaken Nate for Kenny in a mask since they both wear a similar cap? I think he may have possibly done something to Luke as well. I could see them maybe having had a disagreement on who Clem will go with. I don't think he killed him, but he could be injured.
Kenny may have lost more people he loved during the time skip - Clementine is reminding him of Duck alot...I think in later episodes he will get "revived" from his mental madness/sadness/whatever it is because I forgot what to call it
I love Kenny but he's definitely got some screws loose, unsurprisingly considering everything he's been through.. His laughings been really manic & when he calls Clem Duck that's very worrying, also I'm pretty sure he had to eat a walker to survive. I mean think about it, his new girlfriend Sarita or whatever says "you should've seen the length of his beard when I found him" and "he couldn't lift a fly" so there's no way he could have been eating regular food regardless if the place he was staying used to be a restaurant, so how else could he have survived for that long? Plus if you ask him how he survived he breaks eye contact and doesn't answer the question directly. Honestly I'm pretty scared as to what's gona happen in the future as I now have 2 psychos in my group, Kenny & Nick. 3 if you're including Carver
I think Kenny has finally snapped. Since Duck and Kat died he hasn't been the same guy. Lee's death even sparked it farther. He's losing it and he wants to forget everything of the past but he just can't. And then Walter died. Kenny wanted to blow Carver's head off then teabag his corpse. Kenny in my eyes is a ticking time bomb set to go off at any second and especially during the ep 3 trailer he sounds extremely angry, and was probably offending Carver because Kenny has either insulted Carver or tried to attack him. I think he's going to do something that gets him killed in either episode 3 or 4 that leaves Clem even farther traumatized.
(I couldnt find any season 2 kenny pics on google so enjoy this)
I think that if you did not burn Duck's drawing it might help him out at some point in the future. Kenny is a hot head but he has always been my favorite. Nick reminds me of him in some ways. I'd imagine the choices we make will impact Kenny greatly this season.
Yeah, I can easily identify that behaviour with Kenny. I'm was just disappointed in hoping that he'd change over the 1+ years they've been separated.
Also doesn't anyone else find it maddening that he's giving that shit to an 11 year old?
Mm, I do agree with that. It wasn't too bad with Lee though, the fact that he's giving that shit to an 11 year old is.. irksome.
It could be what Sarita joked to Clem about when she first found him.
I wonder how he'll feel if Clem shows him the drawing.
I think Kenny's pretty broken at this point. He seemed a little too unstable, for lack of a better word. Sarita's "old restaurant" comment gave me pause and made me think of the elderly couple in 400 days. Anybody think it's possible they may have mistaken Nate for Kenny in a mask since they both wear a similar cap? I think he may have possibly done something to Luke as well. I could see them maybe having had a disagreement on who Clem will go with. I don't think he killed him, but he could be injured.
Kenny may have lost more people he loved during the time skip - Clementine is reminding him of Duck alot...I think in later episodes he will get "revived" from his mental madness/sadness/whatever it is because I forgot what to call it
I love Kenny but he's definitely got some screws loose, unsurprisingly considering everything he's been through.. His laughings been really manic & when he calls Clem Duck that's very worrying, also I'm pretty sure he had to eat a walker to survive. I mean think about it, his new girlfriend Sarita or whatever says "you should've seen the length of his beard when I found him" and "he couldn't lift a fly" so there's no way he could have been eating regular food regardless if the place he was staying used to be a restaurant, so how else could he have survived for that long? Plus if you ask him how he survived he breaks eye contact and doesn't answer the question directly. Honestly I'm pretty scared as to what's gona happen in the future as I now have 2 psychos in my group, Kenny & Nick. 3 if you're including Carver
I think Kenny has finally snapped. Since Duck and Kat died he hasn't been the same guy. Lee's death even sparked it farther. He's losing it and he wants to forget everything of the past but he just can't. And then Walter died. Kenny wanted to blow Carver's head off then teabag his corpse. Kenny in my eyes is a ticking time bomb set to go off at any second and especially during the ep 3 trailer he sounds extremely angry, and was probably offending Carver because Kenny has either insulted Carver or tried to attack him. I think he's going to do something that gets him killed in either episode 3 or 4 that leaves Clem even farther traumatized.
Kenny is a bit like Tyreese.
*They both survived large number of zombies
*They both are REALLY protective for there family
*They both suffer mental break downs when they lose there family
I think that if you did not burn Duck's drawing it might help him out at some point in the future. Kenny is a hot head but he has always been my favorite. Nick reminds me of him in some ways. I'd imagine the choices we make will impact Kenny greatly this season.