Did it live up to the hype and long wait?
What do you think? was it worth it? are you going to be as excited for ep3 as you were for ep2?
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Ahhh, yes yes and yes
Sure did for me.
It was awesome. Totally worth it.
It was fantastic! The choices had me on the edge of my seat. I'm not surprised that most of the choices seem close to 50% right now, they were much tougher than the last episode. There were just enough bright moments to make the upsetting moments that much worse. I feel like a masochist, but man I love Telltale.
This episode felt longer and more complete than TWAU Episode 2, as well. Which is a bummer for TWAU But I'm sure they'll get back into gear in that series in the next episode, too.
But yeah, overall I'm satisfied, I think they took just the right amount of time they needed to make the episode polished (and heartbreaking).
I think the better wording would be. Did the wait take any enjoyment away from the game. And for me yes it did. I started the game with a sour feel because of how long it has taken. I enjoyed episode 2 greatly but I solid have enjoyed it much more having played it in February.
I agree with CiscoKidd but then again I could always just wait for the whole thing to come out at once if I wasn't willing to wait for each episode bit by bit so since I can't: it's cool.
Yes, I enjoyed it a lot. It was leaps and bounds better than S2E1.
The last one was the biggest for me.
It was a good episode but I really hate the fact that it is episodes...I would rather play the entire game instead of waiting months upon end for episodes to come out.
I though it was excellent. It felt much more satisfying to me than episode 1 did. The end music made it feel like I had just watched an episode of the tv show.
It was a massive improvement over All That Remains. Not only that, but it delivered on choice and consequence (or, at the very least presented the illusion masterfully). I still think a bit of character development is in order, but it was all around good. It was a bit off-putting to see Carlos and Rebecca acting all civil after last episode, but hey, goes to show people can judge too quickly.
I was iffy about Season 2 when Episode 1 concluded. Now I'm not.
So yes. The wait for Episode 3 is going to be agonizing.
COMPLETELY exceeded my expectations. Literally it was the most tense episode of TWD I've played, the second being the confrontation with the stranger at the season finale...
It was excellent. I was a little worried early on that we were in for another very short episode when the trophies seemed to be popping up after every scene, but things slowed down a little in the second half and the tension was played wonderfully.
Yes, definitely. Everything I wanted was in - action, 400 days, choices that have a big impact, character development and ability to walk around and talk to people.
Yes it DID.
Just finished episode 2 and I loved it. Right amount of action and story.
Main difference from TWAU ep2, what you do really matters, if you want to fight someone or make them dead you can or save them if you feel like it (Alvin).
Hell fucking yes.
I like that you changed your profile pic :P
Ok here we go...It took about two months for a less than two hour section of the game also I kinda didn't want Kenny to come back there was no way he could have made it out realisticly. Also It really sucks that you can kill alivin or carlos there really nice. What else I think is Walter is aisan and that's why I tried to save him in other words he looked like the aisan dude from season 1 Glen or something like that. Im really disaponited that you can kill nick too pete tells you too look after him if you save him. Btw Pete Dies way too Quick I wish nick died if you pick pete and pete dies if you pick nick. Im very disaponited by the fact that keny is old more than every thing else I said. Btw Now pass that can over here Duck!
If Kenny is lost when he jumps into that dark whole to get Christa out its pretty easy to say he got away. If he goes after Ben, well you don't see what happens there.
Yea but maybe he got though a winder
It was a great episode. I'm gonna actually replay this, unlike the first.
yes that it just yes
no idea yet as on my 360 I still have a red circle with a line through it so I am gutted still!
Has anyone on the 360 got it yet and if not any idea on a time scale that we have to wait?
Ohh yes!! Telltale still has it. Best episode ever.
That is straight up Telltale's best episode
Yes definitely. Worth every second.
I loved it, but I just wish there was more freedom to explore. This episode was very heavy on the cut-scenes.
I'd say this is the most thorough episode yet in terms of character development, and the choice passageways were amazing (Nick can die at two different points, Alvin can die and Carlos can die) simply spectacular. I guess you guys can tell how much I loved this episode
Well I must say I enjoyed it but felt it was a little on the short side as before I knew it..... it was over, but then that could be because I was having fun.
In saying that it really must be good because my partner who usually doesnt like the 360 at all was glued to the tv screen so much that I played through episode 1 and 2 and then she asked where the 3rd episode was!
So I have started back from the first series!
Oh did it live to the hype...This is easily the best episode of TWD...so far 10/10
I only know Nick can die if Walter doesn't shoot the walker on him. How can he die another time?
I know I'm in the minority here, but this episode just failed for me. 201 didn't throw my suspension of disbelief straight out the window. Teleporting zombies on the bridge (yes, I know that it's endemic to the genre, but seriously, how did they get flanked on both sides when they cleared the two behind them and Matthew was in front of them?!), the business of "let's just ignore those lights in the woods and not post a lookout", and I still can't get over how Carver was able to literally walk right in. (And why didn't Clem and Sarah just escape the same way Clem snuck in in 201?)
And yes, even though the protagonist is 11 years old, Telltale shouldn't be making it this obvious that the rest of the group except for Luke would be totally helpless without her now that Pete's gone.
Also, middle school lunch-table drama? Really? That was a major choice? Cripes, it's okay for Clem, but Clem is ELEVEN YEARS OLD, why weren't the rest of them swapping stories and talking to the new people... like adults do around strangers?