Anyone having troubles downloading on Xbox 360?
I've been trying for almost a day now and nothing is working for me, only thing I haven't tried is deleting the game and re-downloading it. Hope I'm not the only one that's having this problem.
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Yes i am having the same issue. I have the season pass and it just will not even let me download it. Please let me know when this will be resolved (xbox360).
Yes i am having the same issue. I have the season pass and it just will not even let me download it. Please let me know when this will be resolved (xbox360).
oh no..not again.
It won't even let me download all it shows is the red thing not allowing me
Dear TellTale, can you tell me what the hell is going on? and why I can't download this?
First the wolf among us and now this?
Is this how you treat your fans who bought the season Pass?
EDIT: nevermind its working fine now, Sorry.
I also am waiting, glad i'm not the only one, bit peeved off with it not downloading so off to Battlefield and sorting wedding photos. haha the joys.. I want the Episode!
Waiting to play this as well...such a tease...its...right..there...
tried re-downloading it, still getting that block on it, do have to wait even longer for this episode to download, this is really annoying me right now, I've been waiting months to play this episode.
Having the exact same problem. They just listed it on game addons on though, so hopefully that means that it's about to get fixed.
It works for me now! Go take a look
am on it now! Thanks for letting us know!
Wow like magic thanks for the heads up. Downloading now!
still nothing for me, guess I'll go back and play some Mirrors Edge for a couple levels then try again.
FINALLY!!! It's working now, guess I'll just need to wait about 15 minutes for it to download, slow connection
Same here. At 62%...
nice to know its ok for season pass holders. I am downloading it now.
Having the same issue......