I nearly cried !!
OH MY GOD THEY DID NOT KILL KENNY, YOU WONDERFUL BASTARDS !! but seriously I nearly cried when I saw Kenny
I know he is a little damaged, but he is still in there... Even if he see's Duck in Clem, can you blame him, really and you know dam well we all chose Kenny!!
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I screamed when i saw him then cried when Clem hugged him!
There are some people who don't like Kenny and some people who like Luke more than Kenny. Both Kenny and Luke have their faults and people have a right to their opinions, so that's fine.
I personally sat with Kenny but it was a hard choice to make and no matter which one I sit with, I feel bad. So Telltale did a VERY good job on that.
Honestly though, I'm worried about just how mentally scarred and whatnot that Kenny is. He seems to be trying to replace Katjaa, he accidentally calls Clementine Duck, he seems to have not socialized in a LONG time, shown by his poor attempt at humor and I think he might have killed Luke, since Luke wasn't with him or anywhere to be seen at the end of the episode and if you ask him about Luke twice he makes a guilty looking face.
For the first time in years, I finally cried when I saw this. Telltale made feel more alive now.
I got Clem to sit with Luke's table and got her to tell them that she didn't know Kenny that well and tell them that he was a jerk.
"Nearly"?Pffft.I soaked that bitch with my salty tears,i embraced Kenny in a sorrowful but welcoming cloak of memories and hope.NOPE.I bawled.I couldn't.I just couldn't.My feels were raped.
Say,doesn't anyone else appreciate how Telltale actually took the time to go through this whole forum and stare at our Kenny confirmed gifs,at our desperate calls for him to come back,and how they GAVE him back to us?I love that.I just love it.They're awesome.Love ya,Telltale!