Clementine VS. Carver (theory)

CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

Not too sure if this is actually worth an entire thread to say, but oh well...

Little theory came into my head after playing A House Divided. And may I say, it was a great episode. My personal favourite episode Telltale has made in over a year. Anyway I had this thought even back at All That Remains thinking; "That would make for an interesting story arc" and after playing this episode, it actually finally feels like worth sharing to you guys.

After the end of the second episode there was one thing constantly bothering me during the credits, "where the heck did Luke go?" Then I thought, "Oh wow, what I thought COULD actually happen."
I think Luke is going to gather survivors in an attempt to rescue Clementine and her group in the next episode. And Luke's group will consist of 400 Days protagonists who DIDN'T go with Tavia. And Eddie too. Why do I think that? He's in the Amid the Ruins slide primarily really.
Speaking of 400 Days too while I'm at it, I think that indeed, Tavia's group and Carver's are one of the same. And that Episode 3 you'll get to meet all the player characters you let go to Tavia's group and you may even be able to convince them to escape with Clem. But I don't have much to go on that one, but Bonnie and Clem seem to get along pretty well in the episode 3 preview. The fact that Bonnie ALWAYS goes with Tavia kinda backs up my theory on that too.

So basically my theory is that the 400 Days characters who DIDN'T go with Tavia will be your allies in a all-out war against Carver in the fourth episode. And perhaps you can convince some of them who went with Tavia to join Clem's side to "Remedy" your mistakes in 400 Days. Something tells me though that we'll be seeing all the protagonists from it. One way or another.

Anyway, this is just my theory obviously. But I had this one way back in the first episode. And it seems even more probable now thanks to the ending of Episode 2. We'll have to wait and see though. But now I'm REALLY looking forward to where the story goes from here.


  • Bonnie tells Clem that she has a kid like her at the camp,probably Becca. Does she says that if Shel and Becca stay at the camp ?

  • Yeah this came to thought for me too. If anyone has played through Shel's story without going with Tavia. Would appreciate if you let us know.

    Bonnie tells Clem that she has a kid like her at the camp,probably Becca. Does she says that if Shel and Becca stay at the camp ?

    edited March 2014

    what if carver is william steve carver, the guy russell told us about. and lets say russell goes with tavia, he cant go back at "steve". i think the 400 days characters still have a part to play,and tavia's group is not with carver. and, i still wanna see NATE making an appearance

  • Carver already has two names (William Bill Carver),I don't think he gets a third :P

    JIZAD posted: »

    what if carver is william steve carver, the guy russell told us about. and lets say russell goes with tavia, he cant go back at "steve". i t


    nope, bill is william, is just how americans speak sometimes

    Carver already has two names (William Bill Carver),I don't think he gets a third :P

  • William "Bill"-Steve- Carver... the fourth.

    JIZAD posted: »

    nope, bill is william, is just how americans speak sometimes

  • Well, if Luke's group that goes back to save Clem is going to consist of the people who DIDN'T go with Tavia then I'm screwed. I convinced everyone to go with Tavia.

  • I had everyone except Vince go. But if you're lucky it may be Eddie there instead of Wyatt. It might swap around depending on who drove off in the fog and left the other to die. From what I hear though, it's possible to convince Wyatt to go even if Eddie left him behind.

    anarckitty posted: »

    Well, if Luke's group that goes back to save Clem is going to consist of the people who DIDN'T go with Tavia then I'm screwed. I convinced everyone to go with Tavia.

    edited March 2014

    Nice theory, I have one too, I'm posting a thread about it in about 5 min.

  • Nice I'll be sure to give it a read.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Nice theory, I have one too, I'm posting a thread about it in about 5 min.

    edited March 2014

    no man, its the number 7 thing, carver mention it, russell mention it, i may be wrong, i may be right. plus russell whole description fits carver perfectly

  • Thanks for letting me know. I still find it difficult to get out of the car instead of Eddie. Losing Rock, Paper, Scissors is pretty difficult for me somehow.

  • Nate vs. Carver vs. Kenny for the championship belt?

    JIZAD posted: »

    what if carver is william steve carver, the guy russell told us about. and lets say russell goes with tavia, he cant go back at "steve". i t



    Nate vs. Carver vs. Kenny for the championship belt?

  • I'd put my money on Nate. Dude's fucking GORKED.

    JIZAD posted: »



    i dont know, its between him or carver, but kenny can go full psycho too after all that happened its a close one

    I'd put my money on Nate. Dude's fucking GORKED.

  • MagaracMagarac Banned
    edited March 2014

    My theory about Carver:
    Alt text
    1) Carver is a pedophile, the way he looks Clementine speaks a lot.
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    2) Clem is affraid of his love.
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    3) Its really hard for Clem in Carvers camp.
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    4) Carver gets really pissed when Kenny says that he is sick pedophile.
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    5) Carver threatens Clem that she will be eaten by walkers if she doesnt accept his love.
    Alt text

  • I don't know how to respond to this.

    Magarac posted: »

    My theory about Carver: 1) Carver is a pedophile, the way he looks Clementine speaks a lot. 2) Clem is affraid of his love. 3) Its

  • Bill is a nickname for William.

    Carver already has two names (William Bill Carver),I don't think he gets a third :P

  • Although I do think Carver has a striking resemblance to David from the last of us, I don't think he's a pedophile.

  • Well, on image 2) we cant exactly see if carver put his hand on clementine ass or somewhere else...

    Although I do think Carver has a striking resemblance to David from the last of us, I don't think he's a pedophile.

  • edited March 2014

    Except Carver's group is in a huge mall with presumably a lot of people.
    The 400 Days crew consists of 6 people, plus Tavia, plus the man on the radio and the whole community of folks they mentioned. Which seems like more than seven to me.
    If Carver only believed in 7 people why would he be the 8th member of the group? Nick's mum would make the group 9.

    JIZAD posted: »

    no man, its the number 7 thing, carver mention it, russell mention it, i may be wrong, i may be right. plus russell whole description fits carver perfectly

  • Eddie eventually only starts to throw rock in my experience...

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Thanks for letting me know. I still find it difficult to get out of the car instead of Eddie. Losing Rock, Paper, Scissors is pretty difficult for me somehow.

  • I lol'd it was pretty funny theory the way he presented it and got that idea out of those clips, its just way too random. I also think TTG wouldn't go this far.

  • i also hope/think they wouldn't got this far. but this whole LOVE and FAMILY thing he insists on is really scary, even if you didn't get a pedo vibe from it.

    I lol'd it was pretty funny theory the way he presented it and got that idea out of those clips, its just way too random. I also think TTG wouldn't go this far.

  • Becca and Shel stayed at camp in my save and she still said it. Might be a new character or Bonnie's lying

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Yeah this came to thought for me too. If anyone has played through Shel's story without going with Tavia. Would appreciate if you let us know.

  • Fuuuck!! My brain hurts >.<

  • Id worry more about Luke

  • Yeah, the "somewhere else" is her back unless he has arms like Mr. Fantastic.

    Magarac posted: »

    Well, on image 2) we cant exactly see if carver put his hand on clementine ass or somewhere else...

  • Thanks. Could have a double meaning though. For all we know she really was talking about Becca in the playthrough with Shel and Becca going with Tavia but in your version it could simply be a lie. Hard to tell at this point.

    Omid posted: »

    Becca and Shel stayed at camp in my save and she still said it. Might be a new character or Bonnie's lying

  • Oh holy hell, not this again. Omid is not a pedophile, Carver is not a pedophile, and if I see one more of these threads I'm going to flip. It's much more threatening to make a character who has layers to them, like a twisted messiah complex made even more powerful by the fact that he's managed to survive and keep others alive (which is what Carver is in case you can't tell) rather than "they're a pedophile and that's why they're evil!" I mean like, even in 400 days you had a rapist character and even [i]they[/i] had layers that made it more than black and white, so no, I don't think they'd play that card unless it was to add a shade of grayness to a surface level good character, rather than the other way around of adding a darker spot to an even darker character. Then they just become a mustache twirler because nobody is going to feel sympathy for a pedophile who is also a murderer. I mean, even the Saint Johns were cartoonish in their goofiness and even they had layers, but that's about as goofy as I want my TWD villains to be.

    So yeah. Not a pedophile. Messiah Complex. One is more interesting, the other is just lazy. Don't insist on lazy writing.

    gesche12345 posted: »

    i also hope/think they wouldn't got this far. but this whole LOVE and FAMILY thing he insists on is really scary, even if you didn't get a pedo vibe from it.

  • edited March 2014

    Everyone went with Tavia in my play through...

  • Is this the group Russel was referring to in 400 days?

    Magarac posted: »

    My theory about Carver: 1) Carver is a pedophile, the way he looks Clementine speaks a lot. 2) Clem is affraid of his love. 3) Its

  • It's very possible she was just lying. "Oh they found ne... what's a good excuse to get out of here quickly..."

    Omid posted: »

    Becca and Shel stayed at camp in my save and she still said it. Might be a new character or Bonnie's lying

  • edited March 2014

    I think Bonnie lied. Carver said the same things when he was scouting out the cabin while everyone was searching for Nick and Pete. Both Bonnie and Carver claimed to have family (an obvious lie in Bonnie's case) and to live nearby the people they were scouting out. It's likely just a tactic used by Carver and his people if their targets find them while they scout to make people hesitate to kill them.

    Omid posted: »

    Becca and Shel stayed at camp in my save and she still said it. Might be a new character or Bonnie's lying

  • It'd be awkward if the allies that Luke gathered were the 400 Days protaginists companions that were abandoned for some reason or another. Like Nate. I doubt Luke would associate with Nate, but hell, maybe he just wants to see his boy Russel again, right?

  • Perhaps, but it also depends on if Russ went with Tavia or not.

    Davissons posted: »

    It'd be awkward if the allies that Luke gathered were the 400 Days protaginists companions that were abandoned for some reason or another. L

  • edited March 2014

    I don't think he is. I kinda get a Governor/Woodbury type theme from him and his " camp" kind of a god complex. With Clem I think he is trying to show her he isn't as evil as she being lead to believe. And Trying to get Clem to side with his group. But I don't get the Pedophile vibe from him at all

    Magarac posted: »

    My theory about Carver: 1) Carver is a pedophile, the way he looks Clementine speaks a lot. 2) Clem is affraid of his love. 3) Its

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