Have any Mac TTG store purchasers downloaded episode 2?

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

Still no luck here. Tried re-installing the game to no avail. Has anyone successfully downloaded it, and if so, what did you do? Has anyone heard any updates from TTG about this problem?


  • As far as I know no one has yet and there have been no official or useful updates. In one thread yesterday TellTaleMike told people to attempt to restart the game, make sure firewalls and anti-viruses are down, and restart the computer, but that hasn't worked for anyone. So far as I can tell multiple people have also completely re-downloaded the game app and it didn't help.

    It is incredibly frustrating. Not necessarily the delay, technical problems happen. Telltale obviously didn't run tests on Mac and its unprofessional and its biting them in the ass, but what really frustrates me is the complete lack of communication. They have obviously monumentally botched something with the Mac release from their website. If they would just TELL US ANYTHING about the current situation that would be great. However either through neglect or a deliberate decision to keep us in the dark they've told us nothing. If they would just say "hey Mac users, the episode won't be out for you for another day/week/whatever" I would be okay with it. As it stands now I'm wasting tons of time on these forums and the more time I spend trying to look for forum posts on the topic, the more gets spoiled about the episode from new post titles. PLEASE TELLTALE GROW A PAIR AND GIVE MAC USERS WHO DOWNLOADED FROM YOU SPECIFICALLY TO SUPPORT YOU AN ETA ON THIS EPISODE.

  • Still nothing on my Mac. Episode is "Coming Soon".

  • Thanks for the response. It took me a lot of downloads/attempts to get episode two of TWAU to download, so I'm not sure if the problem is similar or if it's just not uploaded yet. But either no one has successfully downloaded it on Mac, or they're too busy playing to respond to this post :)

  • It's finally downloading!

  • Yep, it's available now. Next time, TTG, just say that the Mac version is coming out later, please.

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