Any Nick fans?

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

Everyone's ranting about Kenny and Luke, but I really like Nick. Not because he almost blew off Clem's head in the first episode, but because he's toughened out. He's been through the worse, having to kill his Mom and losing Pete. However, when you talk to him by the station he kind of tells you things that he needs to let out, and I feel like if he trusts Clem enough to tell her those things, she can safely trust him.

I don't think it was his fault that he shot the dude on the bridge. He lifted his gun, when he could've maybe put his arms up and Nick wouldn't have shot. When the dude on the bridge lifted his gun, it looked like anything could've been going on also.

Finally, everyone in the group seems to have it out for Nick, and I feel bad for him. They all kind of feel he's a problem and he's "becoming a threat to the group,". All he's doing is trying to cope with everyone he loved leaving him. I really hope that if you chose to help Pete he survives a while, but I'm not quite sure because they did kill him off if you chose his side. What do you think? Anyone with me?


  • I'm a nick fan and I admired him since the first episode. I could relate with his faultiness

  • Yeah I like Nick. I mean,shit keeps happening to him,and he's just a boy after all. I didn't saved him at the river because I knew he would have lived anyway and I made sure that Walter forgives him.

  • edited March 2014

    I'm with you. In some ways, I think Nick is actually more trustworthy than Luke. I'm never entirely sure where I stand with Luke, whereas Nick evolves into arguably the most nuanced character in episode 2 (if you treat him right). Yes, he's responsible for Matthew's death, but at least he was ready to come clean with Walter, and accept being killed at his hands if it came to that.

    I was a little saddened to see Nick become determinant, but I hope he continues to participate in the narrative beyond part 3.

  • Out of all the cabin group Nick has been my favorite since episode one. The sad look on his face when he apologized was enough for me to prove his guilt. He's just lost his mom, and now Pete. His whole world has been uprooted again and again, and he still does what he thinks is right on the bridge, and tries to protect Luke and Clem. He then owns up to his mistake on the bridge and tells Walter under risk of death. He is not Ben 2.0, he is far to honest for that.

  • I think Nick is one of my favorite new characters. He's not perfect, but he isn't a complete screw up either. He is pretty brave, honest, admits his mistakes and is ready to face their consequences, and he is generally a good guy.

  • He's not perfect, but he's honest. He apologized to Clem, he owned up to killing Matthew, and he has no problem speaking his mind even if it might get him in trouble. Out of all the surviving cabin group members I respect him the most.

  • He's been being called Ben 2.0 since he was introduced lol. I respect all of the cabin members as well. Episode 1 was a rough time for them, so I reserved judgement until I got to know them better, and I think that was the right call.

  • I like him as well, flaws and all.

  • edited March 2014

    He lifted his gun because its a stranger, by just talking everything would have gone fine.
    And dont forget nick lifted his gun too, and shot him without any thread.

    Nick is an idiot and he ruins everything. he is even worse than Ben and i hate him, all though im still helping him because i think clementine has the heart to do so.

  • As a fan of Nick, I too was shocked when finding out about his (determinant) demise. Very glad I got Walter to forgive him in my canon playthrough. Hope they don't pull another Carley/Doug and kill him off regardless.

    I'm with you. In some ways, I think Nick is actually more trustworthy than Luke. I'm never entirely sure where I stand with Luke, whereas Ni

  • What?

    He admits his mistakes? You mean he admits that he killed an innocent man, that he is not reliable? That he ruind it for the group at the house?

    Yes.. great guy. he is like a monkey with a gun.

    Kaserkin posted: »

    I think Nick is one of my favorite new characters. He's not perfect, but he isn't a complete screw up either. He is pretty brave, honest, admits his mistakes and is ready to face their consequences, and he is generally a good guy.

  • edited March 2014








    Nick is funny,and adorable,and wants to help and be independent,but he can't.

    And i love him and i hope he lives for a long time.

  • Yes I'm a Nick fan ;)

  • ahahaaahaahhaha, yup. That's Nick.

  • He screws everyone by trying to be nice but he is an idiot!! yeaaah he is awesome!

    Because of him Luke died, the only trustable in the whole group! yeey. ALL HAIL NICK.

    Azlyn posted: »


  • I don't 'like' Nick, but I promised Pete to keep him alive... And I regret not stealing the watch last episode.

  • Vanilla Ice.

  • I beg your pardon? I don't think Luke died, he just didn't surrender. And how would it be Nick's fault if he died?

    Quinx posted: »

    He screws everyone by trying to be nice but he is an idiot!! yeaaah he is awesome! Because of him Luke died, the only trustable in the whole group! yeey. ALL HAIL NICK.

  • I lol'd when Kenny called Nick Vanilla Ice.

  • I really like Nick , well i actually like everyone from the cabin group more or less, but mostly Luke and Nick .
    Nick tends to screw up little bit but its not out of selfishness but for taking care of his group , he risks his life to save Clem and in my story i of course didn't give up on him in the celler and he was like " Thanks Clem i will never forget it " i feel that he is a really adorble nice and honest and most importantly trustworthy man that u can count on to save Ur life .

  • edited March 2014

    Oh,i don't mind.I'm a girl. :3

    And,honestly,i dunno.I mean,there's history with Kenny,and i know him better.

    But Nick is just adorable,trying to do things right but screwing up,feeling lonely when he's actually loved by everyone...ALMOST everyone.

    What 'bout you?You a girl or a boy?

  • You know, Nick really reminds me of Ben.

    The guy keeps fucking up, one mistake after another, yet you still sympathize with him. (but also constantly get annoyed at him making things worse for the group)

  • edited March 2014

    Luke is NOT dead.And he is NOT an idiot,he's just not really trusted with anything.He's known to have these outbursts,but so does Kenny,and he's a good guy.Because of these outbursts the people in the group don't trust him,don't tell him things,and he underestimates himself and thinks he's lonely,when he's actually loved and cared about.He just wants to prove himself.And Luke is not the only trustworthy one in the group,FYI.Nick is only trying to help,because he feels useless,he feels that he should die.And everyone else ain't helping by keeping things hidden from him,trying to protect him,when,in fact,they're hurting him more.He's just like Clem,in a way,if you think about it.Both trying to prove everybody their worth.And if Luke died(NOT),how is that Nick's fault?

    So yeah.Your invalid is argument.

    Quinx posted: »

    He screws everyone by trying to be nice but he is an idiot!! yeaaah he is awesome! Because of him Luke died, the only trustable in the whole group! yeey. ALL HAIL NICK.

  • Nick is a good guy. He's more like a "normal" person, he's not a hero in all his actions, he lost his whole family in this apocalypse.

    I admire him for helping Clementine (if you go with him at the end of episode 1 you'll know what I mean).

  • Me too,dude!It's okay.I missed Kenny,too.(THAT BEARD,THO)I hope both of them live...Let's not start threads speculating whether TTG will kill them off or not,let's not give them ideas...

  • edited March 2014

    raises hand

    Many claim that Nick is the Ben 2.0, but like others have said, he's way too honest for that to be true. He owns up to his decisions, and speaks out on what he believes in the raw truth. Plus, I have tons of empathy for him. I've lost a parent and some family before, and let me tell you; it ain't easy. It messes you up for a while, and I know I screwed up a lot back then. To me, he's a good guy, and I'm glad I told Walter that. He also seems to have a big heart which, from what I've seen, tends to lead him into trouble. But I think that's his only fault to be honest. He just wants to protect those he cares for.

    Long story short, Nick's one of my favourites up there with Luke and Kenny, and he always has been since he apologised to me in "All That Remains".

    I wish I took the watch now. I didn't want to steal it in episode 1, but I hear he really appreciates it if you give it to him since that's all he had left of Pete. Maybe I'll take it in my second save file.

  • I like Nick more than Luke.

  • I actually liked him from episode 1 already. He's a good man who is just followed by misfortune. I want to see something good happen to him, so I chose to look after him. I even promised Pete as much.

  • I think Nick is a good guy. Yeah, he has his faults, but he is better than Ben. Why? Because if nothing else, he fights. Its possible for him to (kinda) save Clem's life if you go with him. He is willing to shoot a gun (at all the wrong times, true, but better then never shooting at all like Ben.)

  • Luke being shady and trying to hide everything that went down, but Nick owning up to that he did and dealing with the consequences like an honest man.

    Made me think less of Luke and I got more respect for Nick.

  • I don't fault Luke for that. In Walter's position, I would have gutted Nick for what he did.

    ackwell posted: »

    Luke being shady and trying to hide everything that went down, but Nick owning up to that he did and dealing with the consequences like an honest man. Made me think less of Luke and I got more respect for Nick.

  • I like to think of Nick as what Ben might have become in season 2 if he'd grown a pair of balls.

    Kaserkin posted: »

    I think Nick is one of my favorite new characters. He's not perfect, but he isn't a complete screw up either. He is pretty brave, honest, admits his mistakes and is ready to face their consequences, and he is generally a good guy.

  • edited March 2014

    He's really growing on me, more than Luke. I don't wanna see him die.

  • Is there a possibility he won't die during this season? In season 1, for example, Ben can die in two differents way, but he's gonna die FOR SURE.
    Maybe in this season we can REALLY save them. Otherwise the game would lose the "surprise", because I know that he's going to die :/

  • I couldn't hate him. I empathized too much with his pain. He's been through so much... And it's not like he screws up out of malice, he's just in a bad place and makes a lot of mistakes because of it. The poor man's broken.

    But even if he where a complete asshole, there's one more reason for which I like him: I think he has a huge space for character development and I really want to see that happen. It'd be a pitty if he was just killed off in episode 3 (considering his determinant status). I think it Telltale would be missing a great opportunity.

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