Why No Episode 2 on PC in UK?

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

This is getting ridiculous. It was supposed to be out yesterday but I'm still being told it is "coming soon".

ANyone have any ideas wtf is going on?


  • Really? wow Im glad i did not buy the first 2 episodes of season 2 yesterday then, thats what i planned to do instead of waiting an extra day for the Xbox release, and I had planned to do it for future episodes

  • The Irish are taking revenge for it taking so long to have it released on xbox in their country.

  • edited March 2014

    I've been waiting for it to be available for way too many hours now. Yesterday, I sat trying to get the episode till midnight while refreshing the forums 24/7. And it has been like that for the past 5 hours today and I still have no idea how to download the next episode. I live in Sweden and have a PC, nothing peculiar. It's extremely frustrating and annoying not being able to play a game, which everybody else has already played through. I've also done everything I can possibly do, every tip here in threads and I even f'd up my save files and had to play the first episode a second time. It is patched, It even says "Episode 2 is available for download" or something along those lines in the game menu, but everything says "Coming soon".

    I bought the game on Telltale Store just to not give money to steam and to "help" them a little, what do I get in return? A non-downloadable game! I'll never ever buy games here again.
    God damnit, I was looking forward to play this yesterday... :(

  • I look forward to seeing how TT deal with this!

    Im guessing a lot of " soons " are on the way lol

  • Are you on Steam? If you're on the beta version, it doesn't work properly, try deleting the exe and verifying the game files afterwards, worked for me.

  • No I'm not on Steam - I bought direct from them. So it's nice to know you are back of the queue if you are a Telltale customer...

    Are you on Steam? If you're on the beta version, it doesn't work properly, try deleting the exe and verifying the game files afterwards, worked for me.

  • It is available now. Just click play and it will start loading. I had issues with it too and I just had to wait until around 9PM yesterday to actually load it

  • edited March 2014

    I've done everything everybody says, I click "Play" and try to start episode 2 and there's a dollop of light brown/yellow paint and this text shows up on it;

    Unable to download at this time.
    Please try again later.

    If this issue isn't solved until tomorrow, I'll buy the game on steam instead. And I don't care if I'm paying double, because TTG has made such an amazing game which I need to take part of. But if you can't handle your own customers I and a lot of other people will lose their ambition and motivation. I'm sorry for being so angry, but I just can't wait for something I shouldn't wait for.

    Someguy12 posted: »

    It is available now. Just click play and it will start loading. I had issues with it too and I just had to wait until around 9PM yesterday to actually load it

  • message telltale support if you haven't already. They should at least try to get you a free copy if there's still issues

    Scurq posted: »

    I've done everything everybody says, I click "Play" and try to start episode 2 and there's a dollop of light brown/yellow paint and this tex

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