Season 2 Full Playthrough

edited August 2008 in Sam & Max
How many times have you played through all five episodes in season 2? If you've played through certain episodes more times than others, please only vote for the full-season playthroughs, and include additional episode plays in your post. Hope that makes sense!

For me I have only played through every episode once, and that is on the day they came out. I am waiting for my DVD to arrive so I can play through yet again. I don't like playing a game over and over in a short space of time, because it becomes too familiar, repetitive and boring for me.

PS - Votes are public.

EDIT: I found the thread I made on this very same subject, but for season one!


  • edited August 2008
    Not entirely sure but I have probably played the entire season upwards of fifty times. I am not counting just playing parts of episodes just full playthroughs.
  • edited August 2008
    Not entirely sure but I have probably played the entire season upwards of fifty times. I am not counting just playing parts of episodes just full playthroughs.

    I'm honestly shocked that you aren't horribly sick of Sam and Max by now.
  • edited August 2008
    I'm honestly shocked that you aren't horribly sick of Sam and Max by now.
    It's probably in the job requirements.
    "Must be able to play the same thing over and over and over again without going insane."
  • edited August 2008
    Don't believe I've ever done a straight playthrough on the season, but I know I've played them all at least three times individually. (Once to finish, once as an easter egg/extra hunt and finally once more when the "Did you..." list came out)
    "Must be able to play the same thing over and over and over again without going insane."

    Or at least must be able to go insane in an entertaining, constructive way lest we forget the whispers of Max crossdressing in order to seduce himself.
  • David EDavid E Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    Avel wrote: »
    Or at least must be able to go insane in an entertaining, constructive way lest we forget the whispers of Max crossdressing in order to seduce himself.
    Scott is fun to have around at parties, yes.

    I've probably played through the whole season twice, but I did test the bonus DVD content for a couple weeks, wherein I watched all of the cutscenes from the season quite a few times.
  • edited August 2008
    I'm positive that I played though Season 2 at least three times. Once for the first time, second time was because I played Season 1 (again) and thought I might as well continue to Season 2, and the third time was when I got my DVD at Comic-Con.

    But for individual episodes, episodes 3 and 4 I lost count how many times I played those over and over again. Those are definitely my favorites in Season 2 and I don't mind playing them separate from the rest.
  • edited August 2008
    Man I love playing through the whole series over & over. THe monotony soothes me so!
  • edited August 2008
    i can't believe i'm like the only one who keeps playing Season 2 100 times
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    I would be afraid to see exactly how many times I have played each individual episode. Season 1 must be approaching the hundreds, and like Scott said, Season 2 is well into the 50s.
  • edited August 2008
    Full playthrough of Season 2? Close to 10 if I include the repeats of each episode....

    My count is based on the lowest number of replays on a single episode, because I know I've played through the others more times than I did others. And the least played episode for me right now, for some reason, is Chariots of the Dogs. I don't know, I liked the episode, but apparently not enough to play it more than 10 times.
  • edited August 2008
    I played through the season once. I'll probably go back and play through it again at some point, but playing adventure games again is a bit like watching a movie a second time - you should let some time pass before you see it again.
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