Theory: Carver's group the good guys?

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

Now after EP2 most people likely view Carver and his group as evil SOB's that deserve to die. However, based on some comments and the EP3 preview, I have a possible theory that Carver could potentially be the good guy.

For one, there's the fact that if you surrender to Carver, Carver mentions that Alvin killed his friend George in cold blood so apparently the cabin group did some bad stuff before. Second, there's the fact that the EP3 preview shows Bonnie and Clementine smiling with each other which would be strange if Carver's group were meant to be purely antagonists, plus the fact that the EP3 preview ending has Carver and Clementine looking to the herd together. Plus, don't forget that Luke mentions on the bridge that killing walkers is "fun" which is a bit strange which could be foreshadowing that Luke isn't as good as he seems.

Telltale could throw us a curve and make Carver the good guy and the cabin group the real antagonists. After all, who suspected that stealing from the station wagon would come back to bite us, or expected Lily to shoot Carley/Doug.

Your thoughts?


  • No. Watch how the henchmen (including Bonnie) allowed Carver to torture a father in front of his own child without a single word of dissent. Anyone who refuses to stop blatant evil is making their own contribution to evil.

    I also don't believe for an instant that my version of Clem will cosy up with Bonnie, ESPECIALLY if Carter murdered Alvin.

  • That would be a nice twist. It's not like Carver did anything for the hell of it, mostly everything he did had some sort of reason like getting info out of Carlos.

  • edited March 2014

    Well it seems that Carver has a good reason other than his own personal quest to try to get these people back. Like he said Alvin did kill a man Alvin didn't deny it at all. So if someone killed one of your friends or at least had a hand in it would you have any hard feelings against him being hurt a little bit. Especially after you've seen countless people rip each others guts out and eat them pretty sure most people are desensitized to most things now days.

    that being said I doubt carver's group are good guys but I don't know if they are really bad guys just yet. Carver seemed nice as long as you didn't endanger him or people of his group. Plus in the next episode he seems to let people try to work there way back into his "family" without just killing them or torture or something.

    No. Watch how the henchmen (including Bonnie) allowed Carver to torture a father in front of his own child without a single word of dissent.

  • Walter begs to disagree with this theory.

    Or, well, he WOULD if Carver hadn't blown a hole straight through his brain basket.

  • Well Carver apparently did that since Kenny killed one of his group. Only time will tell if he really is good or evil.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Walter begs to disagree with this theory. Or, well, he WOULD if Carver hadn't blown a hole straight through his brain basket.

  • Carver and his group held the ski lodge survivors hostage, and not only that but he tortured Carlos in front of his own daughter... Carver doesn't sound like a good guy to me.

  • I could see something similar to this happening. Even if his Carver himself isn't a "good guy" I definately think that some of the people in his group like Bonnie will be allies in the long run. Nothing Carver did is really much worse than what Rick would do in the comics or show. How many people has he killed because he thought his son was in danger?

  • Well, there wasn't much justification for torturing Carlos. He started breaking the man's fingers while his daughter watched. I don't care if he's looking for anyone, torture really isn't something the good guys like to do.

    Smoughstein posted: »

    Well Carver apparently did that since Kenny killed one of his group. Only time will tell if he really is good or evil.

  • Remember how much people hated Rebecca and compared her to Larry? Well now people are liking her a bit more. Who knows, maybe EP3 will give a better picture of Carver.

    Carver and his group held the ski lodge survivors hostage, and not only that but he tortured Carlos in front of his own daughter... Carver doesn't sound like a good guy to me.

  • I don't know, Carver kinda resembles The Governor in my opinion ...

  • This. Plus, we don't really know the full story between the cabin group and Carver's group. I'll reserve my opinion until I get a better idea of the full story. I also don't think people would be as nice to the Stranger after he kidnapped Clementine or Lilly after she killed Carley/Doug if they were in Carver's position.

    Chomposaur posted: »

    I could see something similar to this happening. Even if his Carver himself isn't a "good guy" I definately think that some of the people in

  • We've only heard Carver's side of what happened, and keep in mind Alvin had a gun pressed against his head.

    gagebass posted: »

    Well it seems that Carver has a good reason other than his own personal quest to try to get these people back. Like he said Alvin did kill a

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned

    Carver didnt know Kenny was there, he could only have known it was Luke, therefore it wouldnt make any sense for him to kill Walter first over one of the originals

    Smoughstein posted: »

    Well Carver apparently did that since Kenny killed one of his group. Only time will tell if he really is good or evil.

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned

    Im looking forward to ep3, it looks a bit like a prisonor-esque setting. Maybe you have the option to be Carvers snitch thereby BEING THE BAD GUY YOURSELF.

    my point being that you assume way too much based on the prevoew especially when by this point you should have realised that the previews are very rarely followed exactly

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned

    Im looking forward to ep3, it looks a bit like a prisonor-esque setting. Maybe you have the option to be Carvers snitch thereby BEING THE BAD GUY YOURSELF.

    my point being that you assume way too much based on the prevoew especially when by this point you should have realised that the previews are very rarely followed exactly

  • That's a fair point but I'm still not convinced Carver is the good guy and the Cabin group is actually bad... I could be wrong though

    Smoughstein posted: »

    Remember how much people hated Rebecca and compared her to Larry? Well now people are liking her a bit more. Who knows, maybe EP3 will give a better picture of Carver.

  • I like how people are constantly bringing up the whole torture thing. The man only broke two fingers and beat him up a little. It could have been WAY worse I mean he had a knife he could have cut them off and cut him up a little or a lot. It wasn't anything unrepairable. Maybe Carver is a little insane over the whole baby thing but who hasn't gone a little insane over the past almost 2 years after the apocalypses. Another thing I've read on the forums is that they think Bonnie left the group from 400 days, what if the carver group is that group from 400 days. As far as I can tell this season is taking place in North Carolina (if I remember right) and all that was said in 400 days was that its a settlement up north. But this is just personal opinion all that I've seen Carver do is be a little insane just remember it could (and probably will) get much, MUCH worse.

    PS: I haven't been in the forums for a while so if the whole carver 400 days group thing has been debunked or whatever idk.

  • edited March 2014

    The murder and torture have cemented Carver a villain status.

    Can't speak for his whole group yet though.

  • It's not that he did the torture it's that he you know DID IT IN FRONT OF HIS DAUGHTER

    gagebass posted: »

    I like how people are constantly bringing up the whole torture thing. The man only broke two fingers and beat him up a little. It could have

  • edited March 2014

    Did everyone forget the fact the ski lodge was being over run with walkers, does this mean Carver saved their lives? It seemed like everyone at the ski lodge ran out of ammo, they would of shot Carver if they still had some instead of spiting on his face. Maybe Carver had to make an example out of Carlos for showing disrespect in front of his followers. If your the leader of a group and someone spits in your face would you just take it? Also did Carver not just save the group's lives.

    Craver is a ruthless dictator no doubt but if so his only problem might be dishing out harsh judgement and forcing people to stick together in order to survive.

    No. Watch how the henchmen (including Bonnie) allowed Carver to torture a father in front of his own child without a single word of dissent.

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned

    Omg this guy is trying to justify torture

    gagebass posted: »

    I like how people are constantly bringing up the whole torture thing. The man only broke two fingers and beat him up a little. It could have


    Carver is def a bad guy, but we dont know his whole group yet

  • 'Good guy' is a stretch. Once you torture a man in front of his daughter and force people to come back to your community at gunpoint, with the threat of death for those who don't play along, your 'good guy' credentials are revoked forever.

    Not as clearly evil as he appears? That seems much more likely. I also expect some people we'll meet in his community will be considerably less antagonistic. Bonnie, for example, I expect will eventually at least get the chance to swing back over to sympathetic again.

  • Not as evil as they were built up? Maybe.
    Good guys? Not at all.

  • There are no "good guys" technically. Merely all survivors who do terrible things to survive. It's all based on perspective.

  • Well, Bonnie was scouting the group before the attack, so she probably told Carver about Kenny. Carver probably assumed that Kenny was the one shooting so he killed the guy that was part of Ken's group as an eye for and eye retribution.

    K0t0 posted: »

    Carver didnt know Kenny was there, he could only have known it was Luke, therefore it wouldnt make any sense for him to kill Walter first over one of the originals

  • Well, they were only 4-5 zombies left, they could have managed it, and even if they had bullets, it isn't a good idea to start a firefight with guys with automatic weapons if you have no cover, though spitting on someone's face isn't a good idea either.

    Did everyone forget the fact the ski lodge was being over run with walkers, does this mean Carver saved their lives? It seemed like everyone

  • Good and Evil aren't static, there are shades to everything. Though I do believe from what I've seen from Carver that he follows a "Lawful Evil" approach given that he has his code, what he's willing to do for himself and people he is loyal to, and watnot.

  • To be fair, it's not like they were cheering him on. You could see that Bonnie at least felt guilty. Maybe it will be possible to bring some of them around to our side.

    No. Watch how the henchmen (including Bonnie) allowed Carver to torture a father in front of his own child without a single word of dissent.

  • cough Bigby cough

    Rock114 posted: »

    Well, there wasn't much justification for torturing Carlos. He started breaking the man's fingers while his daughter watched. I don't care if he's looking for anyone, torture really isn't something the good guys like to do.

  • It would be really hard to make Carver a "good guy" at this point after the way he tortured Carlos. But his conversation with Clementine at the beginning of the episode about "how well do you really know these people" did make me wonder if maybe Carver actually does have a legitimate beef with the cabin group. It still wouldn't make what he did in this episode right, but I wouldn't be surprised if the situation turns out to be more complex than they're leading us to believe at the moment.

  • I feel the same way and i hope this changes next episode. It's much more fun when there is no good and evil but something in between.

    AnnaSan posted: »

    I don't know, Carver kinda resembles The Governor in my opinion ...

  • Lawful evil is still evil. Does he have some redeeming qualities? I'm almost certain he does. That doesn't make him a good person.

    Good and Evil aren't static, there are shades to everything. Though I do believe from what I've seen from Carver that he follows a "Lawful E

  • Carver didn't know a thing about Walter. Even if someone of his group was killed that doesn't justify him killing a complete helpless man whom he knows nothing about in retaliation.

    Smoughstein posted: »

    Well Carver apparently did that since Kenny killed one of his group. Only time will tell if he really is good or evil.

  • I think they're going for TV-series Governor rather than Comic version, which basically means he won't be purely evil, and have reasons for all his actions even if they are gruesome. When he first came to visit i was completely honest with him and felt that i'd rather trust him than Carlos to be completely honest. I don't think he's that much of an evil man, but more of a coldblooded person that acts when you have to act and then deals with the shit later. I really look forward to this season now after being very disappointed after the first episode but this one, jesus, one of the best episodes ever and so many theories and cliffhangers! I can't handle it, goddammit telltale i love you.

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