The Watch
I'll admit that I haven't looked through every post on here, but I haven't seen anything about the watch from episode 1. Did anyone take it? When Nick mentions that he forgot his watch (that Uncle Pete gave to him), I kind of wish that I did. How does the scene play off if you took it? Does he give you shit for stealing or is he happy?
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I took it.
Nick is happy and thankful if you give it to him.
But you can also choose not to give it to him (wich is cold )
Didn't take it. Nice reversal by Telltale, though. The seemingly immoral choice turned out to be the kind and charitable one.
Yeah, I'm not sure I liked that part. I thought for sure I was making the right choice in Episode 1 when I left the watch where it was. I didn't want to make Clementine into a thief by taking anything more than what she needed to survive. Then when Nick said he left his watch at the cabin, I was just like, "Really, Telltale? That's the way it's gonna be?"
Part of me expected a reversal on that, but I was still a little miffed. The only thing that resisting the urge to steal got me was missing out on a nice moment.
yeah I took it. I guess I didn't realize that you could. I just clicked it and she took it. and I was all like "huh. cool"