Boo fucking hoo.I played worse games,mainly 'cause of my big bro that taught me about shooter games when i was 6.These are my type of games,man.And anyway,what kinda harm can they do to me?I know the age limit,but i started playing them anyway,by my own accord.So there's no reason to bring this up,really.I'm still gonna continue playing them,my family knows i'm playing them,and nobody gives a shizzle.So yeah.Would appreciate it if you wouldn't call me "too young",because by playing Telltale games i prove my maturity,i think.I am fine.
Yeah, that was not a good sign. Good thing I didn't do that. But the alcohol would be "fine" if you literally don't have anything else to drink. Still bad though.
It's not like she swears every second of the day. She only swore once by default in the episode and it was a necessary reaction to the situation she was in. (Trying to help Luke up while zombies lurked behind her).
She's been surviving in the ZA for the last 2 years and is coming up to her teen years. She's bound to start swearing sooner or later.
I second that I,m only 15 but I've been playing shooter, horrors and worse stuff since I was four and while that is bad yes, it hasn't screwed me up at all and I don't see the fuss behind it.
Boo fucking hoo.I played worse games,mainly 'cause of my big bro that taught me about shooter games when i was 6.These are my type of games,… moreman.And anyway,what kinda harm can they do to me?I know the age limit,but i started playing them anyway,by my own accord.So there's no reason to bring this up,really.I'm still gonna continue playing them,my family knows i'm playing them,and nobody gives a shizzle.So yeah.Would appreciate it if you wouldn't call me "too young",because by playing Telltale games i prove my maturity,i think.I am fine.
I second that I,m only 15 but I've been playing shooter, horrors and worse stuff since I was four and while that is bad yes, it hasn't screwed me up at all and I don't see the fuss behind it.
Aha, as an eighteen year old gal, I'll admit to having a crush on Luke as well. It's weird for me to say that too to be honest, but I guess … morewe're supposed to care for the characters.
And as for the possibility of Clem having a crush on him, I completely get where you're coming from. In reality, little kids do tend to have crushes on people, but those crushes are usually completely harmless and innocent. And if she does in fact have a tiny crush on him, I agree that in no way does that make Luke a pedophile. For goodness sake, it's not like he'd ever return those type of feelings for a child. I don't know why people think he's secretly a creep, and I seriously doubt she would think about things that far at eleven years old anyways. But in my opinion, Clementine just looks to him as an older brother. The whole pat on the back after taking out those two walkers before crossing the bridge solidified that for me. My older brother does it all th… [view original content]
Yeah,i know!I was spending a lot of time on video games since i was 4,'cause that's when i got my computer.Apart from playing those games my big bro played,i was just reading,or drawing,or playing with my toys(DON'T YOU DARE THINK DIRTY),sometimes go outside,mostly when the weather was nice...
I can't really remember what I used to play although resident evil stands out. But now I like stuff like outlast, amnesia games like that, that really creep you out.
I LOVE Amnesia!But only The Dark Descendant,A Machine For Pigs sucked hard.And Resident Evil 4 is my fave from the series.But Outlast totes scared my tits off,i swear.Those guys were so swagalicious.And another horror game i REALLY like is Kraven Manor or Siren:Blood Curse,stuff like that.
I can't really remember what I used to play although resident evil stands out. But now I like stuff like outlast, amnesia games like that, that really creep you out.
My gaming history began when I was seven when I got an original XBOX with some spongebob game. Throughout thenext few years I went through a PS2, a couple DS's and a WII. When I got an XBOX 360 when I was 13 the Nintendo seemed like a sucky memory. I'm 14 now and have gone throug a fair amount of games and be expecting an XBOX ONE for my 15th birthday, in August.
I LOVE Amnesia!But only The Dark Descendant,A Machine For Pigs sucked hard.And Resident Evil 4 is my fave from the series.But Outlast totes … morescared my tits off,i swear.Those guys were so swagalicious.And another horror game i REALLY like is Kraven Manor or Siren:Blood Curse,stuff like that.
Wow,Chaye?That;s awesome!That's a really cool name...Mind if i use it in my novel?It's about the zambie apocalypse,and i need some cool-ass names for my characters...
Yea ok and I started swearing at about 1 when my mother tried to give me normal milk and I karate kicked her off a bridge and shouted "FUCK YOU MOTHAFUCKA!"
My gaming history began when I was seven when I got an original XBOX with some spongebob game. Throughout thenext few years I went through a… more PS2, a couple DS's and a WII. When I got an XBOX 360 when I was 13 the Nintendo seemed like a sucky memory. I'm 14 now and have gone throug a fair amount of games and be expecting an XBOX ONE for my 15th birthday, in August.
That's SO awesome!
I was born on 15th of june,2000.So yeah :P
GOUSTTT is definitely Aries
Boo fucking hoo.I played worse games,mainly 'cause of my big bro that taught me about shooter games when i was 6.These are my type of games,man.And anyway,what kinda harm can they do to me?I know the age limit,but i started playing them anyway,by my own accord.So there's no reason to bring this up,really.I'm still gonna continue playing them,my family knows i'm playing them,and nobody gives a shizzle.So yeah.Would appreciate it if you wouldn't call me "too young",because by playing Telltale games i prove my maturity,i think.I am fine.
Hasn't anyone else noticed how Pete told her she's fall on her ass if she'd fire a rifle,and it HAPPENED?
To be honest, at this age, I swear as much as Kenny or Lilly.
Pete has Mark's abilities to foreshadow events.
Swearing is not so bad, I was more disturbed that she drank moonshine and wanted to smoke.
Yeah, that was not a good sign. Good thing I didn't do that. But the alcohol would be "fine" if you literally don't have anything else to drink. Still bad though.
It's not like she swears every second of the day. She only swore once by default in the episode and it was a necessary reaction to the situation she was in. (Trying to help Luke up while zombies lurked behind her).
She's been surviving in the ZA for the last 2 years and is coming up to her teen years. She's bound to start swearing sooner or later.
It doesn't bother me at all.
All I could do when I heard her say shit was yell, "SWEAR!!!!!!!"
Mein Gott,how did i not see this?Pete is psychic.
That's my mind,by the way,being all blown and shit.
Oh my fucking God.Did you just call me your friend?That's...So sweet
That's actually really cool,'cause i think you're a good friend,too.
And also...
I second that I,m only 15 but I've been playing shooter, horrors and worse stuff since I was four and while that is bad yes, it hasn't screwed me up at all and I don't see the fuss behind it.
Wow.1.4K views?Sheesh,never thought so many people will see this.
I'm a sucker for horror,too,FYI.What kinda horror games do you play? :P
You gotta imagine it...It would be so effing funny...I hope TTG will add that :P
I don't see
What he did there
Does anybody else here NOT have a crush on Luke,but Nick?
When Chuck Norris approves of something,poof go the ovaries.
Yeah,i know!I was spending a lot of time on video games since i was 4,'cause that's when i got my computer.Apart from playing those games my big bro played,i was just reading,or drawing,or playing with my toys(DON'T YOU DARE THINK DIRTY),sometimes go outside,mostly when the weather was nice...
There goes my childhood in a few rows.
One more important thing about my childhood:
My seven parrots.
You don't need to...
I can't really remember what I used to play although resident evil stands out. But now I like stuff like outlast, amnesia games like that, that really creep you out.
I LOVE Amnesia!But only The Dark Descendant,A Machine For Pigs sucked hard.And Resident Evil 4 is my fave from the series.But Outlast totes scared my tits off,i swear.Those guys were so swagalicious.And another horror game i REALLY like is Kraven Manor or Siren:Blood Curse,stuff like that.
Your cat got hit by a car?Wow...That's...Harsh...I'm sorry,dude.I know how it is when a friend dies
I really LOVE my parrots,they're so chill,you'd like them.
Heheheh,wat? :P
Okay,you know what?
I am stupid.
I started swearing at 11, I like how Clem swears more because it's what would happen in the ZA.
So i'm practically the only one on this thread that started swearing at the age of 13?I feel left out...And lame...
The best awkward joke ever.
May i ask for permission to officially call you my virtual friend,GOUSTTTT?
I started swearing around 3, when I said "Fuck you, Snoopy!" to a statue at Knott's Berry Farm.
My gaming history began when I was seven when I got an original XBOX with some spongebob game. Throughout thenext few years I went through a PS2, a couple DS's and a WII. When I got an XBOX 360 when I was 13 the Nintendo seemed like a sucky memory. I'm 14 now and have gone throug a fair amount of games and be expecting an XBOX ONE for my 15th birthday, in August.
Wow,Chaye?That;s awesome!That's a really cool name...Mind if i use it in my novel?It's about the zambie apocalypse,and i need some cool-ass names for my characters...
loooooool man
i will teach her xD
Yea ok and I started swearing at about 1 when my mother tried to give me normal milk and I karate kicked her off a bridge and shouted "FUCK YOU MOTHAFUCKA!"
You're 14?High five!
I hugged the shit outta that mustache god.
Why can i only like ONCE?!