Walking Dead Season 2 Predictions [mostly for fun]
This is the Walking Dead so it's going to be downbeat of course.
I've made threads of what I hope to see like
Clementine telling people off for making her choose.
Clementine being given an empty gun and told to kill either Kenny.or Nick. {or Kenny and Carlos, Sarita and Alvin etc} or the usual point at Carver but its empty but then TTG adds a fourth option and she puts a gun to her own head and it clicks empty and the look on Kenny's face and whoever when they see how horrifying Clementine's psyche is to choose suicide over killing someone she cares about. And then hearing their reactions later. {A. It'd hit Kenny extra hard because he saw Kaatja do the same thing. and B. My Clem's charged "The Big One" and then Carver to save Alvin it could be a running theme where Clem doesn't seem to care anymore if she lives or dies.}
and other things i'd like to see. But this isn't a what I hope to see thread. {i'm just going to drop those idead whenever I can because TTG takes what you want and gives it to you in a way that you don't really want it Like how fans wanted Larry dead but when it came down to it alot of the Larry haters tried to save him. Some people wanted Duck dead and after making duck a pretty cool kid he gets bitten. Some people wanted to see if they'd dare make a child walker and in two episodes we got Duck, Nightmare Clem, and Underpants in the Attic.}
No this is about Predictions about what you think is going to happen. However no matter how negative you are try an throw in some positive predictions. I'll start.
I predict at Carver's Compound, Clem will meet some other kids and perhaps find one who is messing with another like leaving bugs on their pillow and stuff. And Clementine will be able to explain thats how they show they like the person because she used to do that to Duck.
I predict that Michael Madsen is actually going to be impressed with Clementine if she saved Alvin by charging him. He may want to even win her over as a successor to him even though his child will probably be his successor if he were to live long enough.
I predict that Alvin is going to look pretty badly after being separated from Rebecca for a while. We will automatically chalk it up to torture but Alvin will say that he got pissed off about Carver saying the baby was his, he had some drinks at the canteen, and he got in a fight. Rebecca won't believe it until w see "the other guy"
I Predict Rebecca will get a C-Section but as a testing method for TTG's gameplay and future games {Like say G.O.T.} She actually can survive if you do the QTE/minigame right.
I Predict there will be either a half nude walker or half nude person but that's only because I played epsiode 2 of The Wolf Among Us.
I Predict very very inaccurately. That Sarah will meet Becca and that there will be lesbian subtext on at least one side of the equation.
I Predict Clementine is going to be maimed. Carl got shot in the eye according to the comic news. Rick lost a hand. Lee lost a hand. The Tv show hasn't had rick or carl permanently maimed but Hershel lost a leg. I think either it will be an eye {as an analogy to a child's eye a parent figures arm} or an ear. Perhaps as an homage to Michael Madsen's greatest movie IMO.
I predict there will be a Reservoir Dogs Joke somewhere in there. It might be as blunt as Carver using the exact dialogue from the movie while torturing or listening to little green bag or stuck in the middle with you. Or as Obscure as going to a reservoir with Carver and finding a dead dog or a briefcase full of diamonds. However they may not actually make him make a reference to it like in the Eureka episode with Wallace Shawn the word Inconcievable is said a couple of times but not by the actor who made it famous.
I Predict Christa is alive but we won't find that out until the last episode.
I Predict Clementine will end up in wellington alone with only Rebecca's baby.
I Possibly Predict that Everyone who went with Tavia will be around Carvers Camp. Everyone who didn't will be playing Big Damn Heroes to Clementine when she arrives at Wellington and if everyone is with Tavia then only brand new characters will be at Wellington and Christa of course.
I predict that 400 days missing bit will be explained in backstory from optional dialogue with the 400 days cast in Carvers Compound.
I predict Carver's Compound will have a catchier name then Carver's Compound.
I possibly predict that Clementine escapes Carver's compound and finds another group with the people who didn't go with Tavia so noone get's left out of the filling the gaps.
I definitely predict more little twists
Stole a Watch? Guess what it was Pete's and Nick wishes he had it so you can give it to him.
Stole a Watch but didn't give it to Pete when he brings it up? You can use it to bribe a guard later.
I predict Clementine will have to deal with her first period but probably just the mentrual cramps and such not the actual blood.
I predict that TTG is going to try and hammer in that they are making a game about surviving the zombie apocalypse and humanity and that they aren't trying to teach you any particular morals. If they were trying to teach you anything it was how your particular personality would get you through the apocalypse. Every player will make it to Episode 5 presumably not counting non standard game overs. But is Clementine now a loner hardened survivor? Is Clementine with friends and a community? Is Clementine a psychopathic murderer or bandit? All ways are legitimate but ultimately how did you get there?
I Predict that if TTG does a potential storyline involving the sexual assault of Clementine. Nate will actually save her despite being a pervert and a killer his perversion levels have their limits. But that's actually a wild guess.
So what are your predictions?
I feel the same way about the last prediction you made. If telltale made her brutally stitch herself i don't see how they could'nt make her childhood any more of a disaster than having her be nearly raped. Also I feel like if players chose the [Protect Alvin] near the end of the second episode, it says "Carver will remember that". That may mean carver will use Clem's emotions against her based on what he knows. Carver really digs in and trys to get to know people. Like playing mind games. Reminds me of the governor from AMC's walking dead. I can tell there will be alot of tension with clem and carver next episode.
I can almost see the scene now. "You could have died for a man you barely knew it was foolish. You got guts but guts alone won't get you through this." "Maybe I'm just not afraid anymore. Of you, of the walkers, of dying." "Maybe" And then he holds Clementine over the edge of the roof "Go ahead Let go if you're not afraid of dying then die" Clementine doesn't die. "Good thats what I thought. Fear is necessary it's what keeps us smart bravado is just stupidity disguised."
Or he might make her make big decisions that affect the entire community to show her the cost of leadership
I also predict that "Sarah will remember this" about my christmas ornament choice will end up with her trying to say Clem has religion too.
Something you didn't mention in your predictions is the fact that you can't burn Lees picture in episode1, but you are able to burn the drawing of Kenny and his family. I think the drawing will be very important for Clem and Kenny's relationship. (similar to her relationship with Nick...with uncle Petes watch)
Oh yeah I forgot that because I burned the picture in my first playthrough. I didn't know you actually couldn't burn Lee's photo I just didn't want to because I assumed Kenny was dead and Clementine was willing to let go of him but not of Lee yet.
I also predict that Luke is not what he seems after watching his facial expressions and behavior in certain scenes. He might be a psychopath himself.
I also predict at some point down the road we'll run into Molly again. But not in Carver's Camp or Wellington or anywhere else and there will be very little if any clues to her showing up. There won't be a "I thought you were dead" in a trailer scene. There will be either a really subtle hint like Sarah on a walkie talkie to Clem saying something like "I met a girl named Hilda on it" or a pick laying on the ground subtley while Clementine is shown doing something in the next episode. Probably more likely is if they bring her back it'll be like most TV Shows like Supernatural where the previously on spoils the episodes twists by showing characters who showed up before, if I ever see anything on a Previously On during Supernatural I know it'll be a plot point in that nights episode.
I predict Clementine will be forced to fight to the death in an arena and if Clem spares her opponent Carver will kill them anyway.
I predict that while in Carver's Compound we'll come across some kids pretending to be knights and offer Clementine to play and be the queen. These loveable scamps will be a joke about the TTG fan community K.I.Q.C.S. They will also end up getting eaten by Walkers.
I predict a pointless choice perhaps in a cafeteria
So what do you want for your main course.
A. Lemon Pepper Fish
B. Porkchops
X. Barbecue chicken
Y. ....
What do you want for your fruit dish
A. Apples
B. Peaches
X. Friuit Cup
What do you want for desert?
B. Jello
X. Cookie
What do you want to drink
B. Water.
X. Whiskey
Y. ....
You can't have whiskey.
A. Why not?
X.{Drank with Nick or refused} Nick let/offered me
X.{went with Pete} That's not fair.
B. Fine just water then
All Y's of course have Clem going on hunger strike.
Crazy bandit Clem FTW!!!
It would be interesting to see what would happen if they did go down the assault road like you said (Oh god I hope not). I wonder if she would save herself or someone like Luke or Kenny, maybe based on who you sat by, would come and save the day and beat the everliving shit out of who attempted it. Someone mentioned in a thread a couple days ago that we might be gearing towards towards Clementine getting bitten on the finger, and then having to amputate. As much as I love Clem, I also love intense scenes like that.