Estimating Characters Ages
Just cuz it's fun And some are speculated or confirmed to be a certain age, so let's make a list! The ages are of the characters when they were last seen
-Lee-37 (confirmed)
Clementine-11 (in season 2, confirmed)
-Kenny-Mid to Late 40s
-Duck-10 (confirmed)
Kaatja-Early to Mid 40s
Carley-Late 20s, Early 30s
Lilly-Late 20s, Early 30s
Doug-Mid 20s
Larry-Late 60s
Mark-Late 20s
Omid-Late 20s, Early 30s
Christa-Late 20s
Chuck-Early 60s
Molly-Mid 20s
Vernon-Mid 60s
Campman-Mid 40s
Vince-Mid 30s
Wyatt-Late 20s
Eddie-Late 20s
Nate-Late 30s, Early 40s
Bonnie-Late 20s, Early 30s
Leland-Mid 50s
Dee-Early 50s
Shel-Late 20s
Roman-Early 40s
Tavia-Mid 40s
Luke-Late 20s
Pete-Mid 50s
Nick-Mid 20s
Carlos-Early 40s
Sarah-15 (confirmed)
Rebecca-Mid 30s
Alvin-Mid 30s
Carver-Late 40s