Predictions for the rest of Season 2

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

I've got a few ideas about what I think is gonna happen, mostly based around what I consider to be a lot of foreshadowing.

One thing I felt was important in 'A House Divided' was Walt's conversation with Clem, and how similar it was to Chuck's conversation with Lee in Season 1. Though Chuck didn't last very long, he had a pretty big impact, and I feel like that could be Walt's role in Season 2. The two both quote famous literature at some point, and the Steinbeck quote really sums up the upcoming conflict between Carver and Clem: "All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal."

Walt points Clem towards diplomacy, which is good, because she's just a little girl and brute force is just going to get her killed, especially against a man like Carver. Walt can even suggest that Clementine has used her age, and how people underestimate her, to her advantage - and I believe that's exactly how she's going to beat Carver.

Carver is smart, but he's also arrogant. Notice how the three people who help him capture the group have more powerful weapons than him. We know Bonnie's not all bad, because we've seen things from her perspective before, so it's safe to say Carver has her under his thumb somehow (given Bonnie's past, maybe narcotics?) Anyway, Clem will play up the "sweet innocent little girl" act to sway Carver's people (we know she's capable of this because of how she changed our decisions in Season 1, and we can see Clem bonding with Bonnie in the "next time" trailer for 'In Harm's Way'), and Carver will be too arrogant to expect it from her, only noticing that she's turned his own people against him when it's too late. So yeah, I suspect Carver's gonna go out "not with a bang, but a whimper" - a suitable punishment for an egomaniac.

Anyway, uhh, other characters...

I'm pretty sure Carlos is going to die soon. As a doctor, it's far too convenient to have him around (especially with Rebecca's pregnancy), and he pretty much has to die at some point so that Sarah can "cease to function." I doubt they would just drop that line without showing us exactly what it means, and 'A House Divided' made a point of showing how distressed she gets when Carlos is in trouble.

Also, Clem teaching Sarah her how to use a gun will probably backfire. We know now that when Sarah gets anxious she gets short of breath, and Clementine's exact advice was to "take a breath" before shooting. So I think it'll play out like this: Carlos will die, and Sarah will try to use a gun, either to commit suicide or avenge her father. If Clem agreed to teach her, she'll succeed, if not, she won't be able to breathe properly and won't go through with it.

What about Luke? I... don't know. He's obviously kind of fishy, since he just up and disappeared, but I feel like that could be a red herring? Kenny and Luke seem to have some kind of rivalry, so I feel like Luke will probably seem to be betraying the group, while Kenny will seem to be on Clem's side, only for the two to switch later on. Or maybe the opposite will happen. Either way, at least ONE of them will do something to lose Clementine's trust at some point.

I'm not really sure what's gonna happen with Rebecca either. Since we've seen three different outcomes of a pregnancy in TWD series as a whole, I'm not sure how they'll do it without retreading old ground, but they'll probably figure something out that will surprise me.
Maybe Christa will be in Carver's group, and add even more tension to the situation? (probably wishful thinking on my part. If Christa shows up again at all, she'll probably be a walker.)

Nick and Alvin are determinant, so they'll both be dead halfway through the next episode anyway, and I don't think we've seen enough of Sarita to properly guess her role in all this (beyond possibly getting killed off to push Kenny over the edge.)

So yeah, those are my predictions, I guess. I could be way off, who knows? But I figured I'd just put it out there, in case I'm onto something, haha.

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