Nick and Alvin (spoilers for a house divided)
So Nick and Alvin can both survive or die in episode 2.
Alvin died in my gameplay but Nick made it. But how do you think TT will play this? will it be like the Doug/Carley situation where they end up dying in episode 3, or do you think TT has evolved their game making and will actually let Nick and/or Alvin survive until episode 5?
I would like to see Nick survive the season or at least until the final episode, not just because I like the charatcher, but because it shows that TT is evolving in their gamemaking
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They said that there will be more story branching in s2
I can see Alvin dieing in Episode 3 because of suicide(I think Rebecca will die and then the Baby won't make it)
I can see Nick dieing in Episode 3 because of "not accepting Carver's love" although I do want Nick to live because I made a promise to Pete.
Yes, I've read that too
I'm hoping that means what eveyrone is thinking that means, more different stories and survivors between the players gameplays
Hopefully. I really like Nick, and I hope he makes it a while, and not with an "Omid's death" kind of thing. Season 1 was good, but I'd prefer more story branching. No matter what choice you made, they'd still end up dead (Besides Carley/Doug).
I was never a fan or a hater of Alvin, I was like "meh" towards him, but I got sad when he died, he never even got the change to see his baby (Guessing it was his baby)
Those are good gueses to how they should die but I'm hoping if they survive episode 2, at least one of them makes it until the end
As long as both get more developement when you save them, I'm happy. Sure, I'd be even more happy if at least one of them makes it to Episode 4, 5 or even the next season, but knowing Telltale, the chances for that are slim.
That's true, season 1 was great, but the survivors are allways the same (Christa, Omid, Clementien adn Kenny)
I would like that in season 2 the survivors change according to our decisions, but I don't know how that will make it difficult for TT to make season 3 (if they are making it)
Yeah and this first time we had two determined fates for the characters.
Alvin was my favorite character from the cabin group, so when I accidentally killed him I was all like "NOPE NOPE nope nope rewind"
AH AH I never rewind even if my favourite charatcher is killed :P
If Nick died I would think of that but I guess I wouldn't
Fucking Nick. I cant stand him. He's like Ben #2. Fucking asshole.
Anyhow. Is it either or? If Nick survives does Alvin die and vice versa? Or can you save them both??
I'm going to replay and try to save Alvin.
You cna save both of them.
Their deaths are totally not related
I really hope the story branching is a complex as I want it to be, i want there to be so many ending, from almost everyone living, to almost everyone dying.
Ah, another Alvin-fan. Have my upvote, bro.
Ben was worse. I like him, but he made more shiz than Nick. The only comparison is both screwed up things like real people would. Both different besides that