Ben vs. Nick
Nick wins Hands down. Yes he screws up most of everything he does like Ben, but unlike Ben, he owns up to it, and takes responsibility. At times you can see he is really trying.** I think the difference is Ben accepted himself as a screw-up, where as Nick is trying to fight against it.** Ben when put to the test, cared only about himself which got the group into difficult situations. He only said something to Lee when the guilt was too much for him. Also lets not forget How Ben just stood there when Clementine was surrounded by walkers in Savannah. (Chuck had to scramble to get to her and help her. ) I think if Nick was in that same position as Ben in Savannah, He would have helped instead of just standing there. If you were forced to have Ben or Nick with your group, Who would you choose? I choose Nick!
Ben is a waay more of a screw up than Nick, that's why i dropped ben from the belltower and didn't let nick die
I'd choose Nick over Ben anytime! I fell like even though Ben's been in twice as many episodes as Nick, Nick is already more developed as a character. As Pete said: "I love that stupid kid."
Ben was a major fuckup. Ben messed up because he wanted to help, but it just didn't turn out the way he planned.
Nick messed up due to misunderstanding. EX: The Bridge.
I dropped Ben from the belltower and let Nick die. I also didn't accept Nick's apology in Episode one of the second season. If had to choose one of the two to have in my group, it would be Ben because he's more of a push over and will do what you tell him whereas Nick just doesn't listen. However, I wouldn't want either in my group.
I dropped Ben from the belltower and let Nick die. I also didn't accept Nick's apology in Episode one of the second season. If had to choose one of the two to have in my group, it would be Ben because he's more of a push over and will do what you tell him whereas Nick just doesn't listen. However, I wouldn't want either in my group.
I give Nick a lot of shit, but all he's really guilty of is panicking and shooting at things too quickly. He's not a trembling, weak-willed waif like Ben was, and nowhere near as incompetent (axe in the door, anyone?). Do I think we should keep giving Nick a gun? Hell no. But I'll take his itchy trigger finger over Ben's bumbling incompetence any day.
I hate ben. nicks a good guy