Season 2, Episode 1 Opening Changes
So I replayed Season 2 once Episode 2 came out, to let everything be fresh, and I noticed something odd when I started up Episode 1 a few days ago on Ep2's release date.
The scene with one of the St. Johns, where you can either pitchfork him or spare him, was changed. Before, it would show whether you spared him or killed him, but now, all it does is show him saying "This is how the world works now!"
I spared him in my Season 1 full playthrough, but now I'm not sure whether the game is registering that I killed him or spared him. I know it's minor and nitpicky, but I'm not sure why Telltale changed it.
For example, here's a video of someone who completed all of Season 1 and 400 Days, and their playthrough of S2E1 back when it first came out. It shows him sparing the St. John brother by pitchforking the hay.
And now the St. Johns scene is, as I said, replaced with "This is how the world works now!" Does anyone else notice this? Is it just me?
They probably changed it because the old one was bugged and always showed Lee sparing him no matter what you had chosen.
That's what I was thinking. I had heard a lot of people say the old scene was bugged, either because, as you said, it showed them always sparing him, or always killing him, regardless of actual choices made.
I wasn't sure.